vuejs / composition-api

Composition API plugin for Vue 2

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Type '{ install: (Vue: VueConstructor<Vue>) => void; }' has no call signatures

MartinX3 opened this issue · comments

Using IntelliJ IDEA, vue 2.6.14, vuetify 2.6.7 and typescript 4.7.4 every export default defineComponent({ throws the error:

TS2349: This expression is not callable.   Type '{ install: (Vue: VueConstructor<Vue>) => void; }' has no call signatures.
export default const Plugin: {install: (Vue: VueConstructor) => void}

We temporarily close this due to the lack of enough information.
Please provide a minimal reproduction to reopen the issue.

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@antfu please reopen

> vue-tsc --noEmit && vite build

src/App.vue:4:16 - error TS2349: This expression is not callable.
  Type '{ install: (Vue: VueConstructor<Vue>) => void; }' has no call signatures.

4 export default defineComponent({

Found 1 error in src/App.vue:4


{ defineComponent }

Please shoot me.
IntelliJ bullied me with its automatic generated import.
Thank you.