vsoch / pull-request-action

open a pull request when a branch is pushed or updated

Home Page:https://github.com/marketplace/actions/pull-request-action

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

403: rate limit exceeded

andrewcassidy opened this issue · comments

We periodically get this error when trying to open a PR

Unable to retrieve default branch: 403: rate limit exceeded
{'message': "API rate limit exceeded for (But here's the good news: Authenticated requests get a higher rate limit. Check out the documentation for more details.)", 'documentation_url': 'https://docs.github.com/rest/overview/resources-in-the-rest-api#rate-limiting'}

We're using version 1.0.19 and I don't see any updates that could relate to this in the codebase

Are you providing your GitHub token in the environment? Can you point me to / show me your workflow file?

@vsoch here's my workflow file which looks exactly like your example as far as I can tell

name: xxxxxxxx
      - staging
      - launchpad
      - production
    name: PullRequestAction
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: pull-request-action
        uses: vsoch/pull-request-action@58a078aed9040e56a85935a37e2544a1b0046e51
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          BRANCH_PREFIX: "xxxxxxxxxx"
          PULL_REQUEST_BRANCH: "master"

Is that digest the most recent? I'm not sure why that might happen - we retrieve the token here:

PR_TOKEN = os.environ.get("PULL_REQUEST_TOKEN") or get_envar("GITHUB_TOKEN")
"Authorization": "token %s" % PR_TOKEN,
"Accept": "application/vnd.github.%s+json;application/vnd.github.antiope-preview+json;application/vnd.github.shadow-cat-preview+json"
(perhaps the accept needs to be updated?) and then it gets carried forward here
response = requests.post(PULLS_URL, json=data, headers=HEADERS)
(and I'm assuming that's where you are hitting it). Was this working before? For a sanity check I would try 1.0.23 and also make sure that your repo settings under actions have the "actions can open PRs" checkbox checked.

@vsoch it was working before and still works like 95% of the time, but we notice the error 2 times in the last week. I just upgraded to 1.0.23 to see if that helps. I'll check with the repo admin to see that that box is checked.

Do you do a lot with your org and the GitHub API? The token I would suspect would apply to the global ratelimit for your user or org. That might explain, but it's hard to know. To me, it doesn't look like this is a problem with the action, but rather the message being reported is correct that you (somehow) went over your limit. I think the question is if that message would appear even with the presence of a token (this I am not sure about) I've only see it when I forget to export, and I usually don't get anywhere near the limit!

Let me know if you have any other ideas, I'm afraid I don't at the moment.

@vsoch thanks for your help

I ran into this as well.

I get the sense that github has introduced more rate limiting measures in the last couple of months.

It seems like you could potentially avoid 1 call here in the case where the environment variable is already set:

pull_request_branch = os.environ.get("PULL_REQUEST_BRANCH", find_default_branch())

Good call - do you want to open a PR to tweak this? We could just do:

pull_request_branch = os.environ.get("PULL_REQUEST_BRANCH")
if not pull_request_branch:
    pull_request_branch = find_default_branch()

Looks good to me. Perhaps shorter:

pull_request_branch = os.environ.get("PULL_REQUEST_BRANCH") or find_default_branch()

I actually tested that and it still called my function, so I think we want the first one!

okay please see #94 !

Ok please use https://github.com/vsoch/pull-request-action/releases/tag/1.0.24 and let me know if there are other ways you see that we can reduce the API usage.

Folks - I'm still getting some rate limit hits - I'm testing adding retry (on this branch) #96 if anyone is interested in also testing!