vsergeev / briefsky

A free weather frontend to a variety of weather providers

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Different results compared to MerrySky

patel-jeel92 opened this issue · comments

When querying the weather info between two apps (MerrySky and BriefSky) I can see the two apps showing different conditions for a given day. For example, the merry sky ui for Friday (Jan 26) shows

where as briefsky shows

As you can see that merrysky distinguishes between light rain and rain throughout the day. However briefsky doesnt.

Looking at the response for the hourly data at 30097 (no lat long provided for privacy reasons) i dont see any summaries that have light rain so not sure how merry sky is accomplishing this?

Currently briefsky can't distinguish Light Rain from Rain for PirateWeather: https://github.com/vsergeev/briefsky/blob/v1.4.0/src/providers/PirateWeatherProvider.ts#L5-L16 , because Light Rain isn't enumerated in the API for Icon: https://docs.pirateweather.net/en/latest/API/#icon . If it is a valid icon state coming back from PirateWeather, it should be easy to extend that mapping. If it's inferred from the other parameters, it may take a bit more logic to replicate MerrySky's conditions.

Next step would be to double check the data coming back from the API to see where the light qualifier is coming from.

I think the response payload between merrysky and briefsky is the same for pirateweather so i think there is additional processing happening to distinguish light precipitation vs heavy vs simple precipitation.

Maybe this logic is being used and can be added to briefsky as well

Also @vsergeev is there a way to add the scroll functionality on the weather bar similar to the merrysky? I like how you can scroll on the weatherbar and the weather forecast changes. That would be a cool feature to add.

I have a feeling the data from two different API's is being compared.

  • Notice all the temperature readings are different (this could just be due rounding/truncating)
  • Also Merry Sky shows precipitation for the entire 24 hours while BriefSky shows no precipitation for the last two hours.
  • MerrySky uses PirateWeather data
  • BriefSky uses Open Meteo data, by default. (It can be configured to use PirateWeather, though.)

My weather app actually shows many more types of precipitation, including 9 levels of "rain" (drizzle, showers, rain X light medium, heavy.) However, the forecast is not very accurate at this precision and makes it harder to read. So I am thinking of providing a level-of-detail setting for the precipitation:

When querying the weather info between two apps (MerrySky and BriefSky) I can see the two apps showing different conditions for a given day. For example, the merry sky ui for Friday (Jan 26) shows image

where as briefsky shows image

As you can see that merrysky distinguishes between light rain and rain throughout the day. However briefsky doesnt.