vsavkin / angulardart-sample-app

A sample Web application built using AngularDart

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pub get yields: Uncaught Error: FormatException: Couldn't parse VM stack trace line 'null'

chalin opened this issue · comments

Victor, I am looking forward to try out your sample AngularDart, but when I run pub get it reports

Resolving dependencies...
No such file or directory
Uncaught Error: FormatException: Couldn't parse VM stack trace line 'null'.
Stack trace:

I am using Dart 1.1.1. Do you get the same error? If not, which version of Dart are you using (so that I might retro/upgrade to it). Thanks.

Played around with the pubspec.yaml and the problem went away. Cleaned out the project (removed the pubspec.lock), restored the original pubspec.yaml, reissued pub get and all is fine now.