vrtmrz / obsidian-livesync

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Permanent "Working read storage process" appears when deleting files on Windows

Jacksaur opened this issue Β· comments


When deleting files or folders on my Windows PC, I will permanently have a "Working Read Storage Process" icon in the status bar. The sync will never complete, even after hours. This also seems to randomly happen as I move files around too, which can also result in a permanent "Pending read storage process" icon appearing. This does not happen on my mobile device at all. Multiple deletions, or renames, will result in these pending processes piling up. Changing the content of a note seems to process absolutely fine.
I have my sync method set as Periodic and On Events. Since Livesync was very buggy in my setup, perhaps because of this issue.
This has caused duplication of files and folders on moves, and some lost notes entirely. Likely from when I was deleting the duplicated versions.

While testing, I found that renaming notes also triggers this behaviour.

Expected behaviour

  • Working/Pending read storage process icon returns to zero after a sync, sync completes.

Actually happened

  • Working/Pending read storage process stays permanently after deleting file.

Reproducing procedure

  1. Delete or rename file
  2. Replication will auto commence due to event
  3. Working read storage process will appear
  4. Icon will never disappear, replication will never fully complete.

Report materials

Report from the LiveSync

Report from hatch
---- Obsidian info ----
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) obsidian/1.5.12 Chrome/120.0.6099.283 Electron/28.2.3 Safari/537.36
---- remote config ----
  n: "1"
  credentials: "true"
  origins: app://obsidian.md,capacitor://localhost,http://localhost
  enable_cors: "true"
  max_http_request_size: "4294967296"
  port: "5984"
  require_valid_user: "true"
admins: 𝑅𝐸𝐷𝐴𝐢𝑇𝐸𝐷
  name: The Apache Software Foundation
  partitioned||*: "true"
  hash_algorithms: sha256, sha
  require_valid_user: "true"
  couch_mrview: "true"
  additional_port: "false"
  port: "17986"
  WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="couchdb"
  enable_cors: "true"
  port: "5986"
  state_dir: ./data
  authentication_db: 𝑅𝐸𝐷𝐴𝐢𝑇𝐸𝐷
  secret: 𝑅𝐸𝐷𝐴𝐢𝑇𝐸𝐷
  authentication_redirect: 𝑅𝐸𝐷𝐴𝐢𝑇𝐸𝐷
  couch: couch_bt_engine
  database_dir: ./data
  max_document_size: "50000000"
  uuid: 𝑅𝐸𝐷𝐴𝐢𝑇𝐸𝐷
  view_index_dir: ./data

---- Plug-in config ---
remoteType: ""
useCustomRequestHandler: false
couchDB_URI: self-hosted(HTTP)
liveSync: false
syncOnSave: true
syncOnStart: true
savingDelay: 200
lessInformationInLog: false
gcDelay: 0
versionUpFlash: ""
minimumChunkSize: 20
longLineThreshold: 250
showVerboseLog: false
suspendFileWatching: false
trashInsteadDelete: true
periodicReplication: true
periodicReplicationInterval: 60
syncOnFileOpen: true
encrypt: false
passphrase: 𝑅𝐸𝐷𝐴𝐢𝑇𝐸𝐷
usePathObfuscation: false
doNotDeleteFolder: false
resolveConflictsByNewerFile: false
batchSave: true
deviceAndVaultName: ""
usePluginSettings: false
showOwnPlugins: false
showStatusOnEditor: false
showStatusOnStatusbar: true
showOnlyIconsOnEditor: true
usePluginSync: false
autoSweepPlugins: false
autoSweepPluginsPeriodic: false
notifyPluginOrSettingUpdated: false
checkIntegrityOnSave: false
batch_size: 25
batches_limit: 25
useHistory: true
disableRequestURI: true
skipOlderFilesOnSync: true
checkConflictOnlyOnOpen: false
showMergeDialogOnlyOnActive: false
syncInternalFiles: false
syncInternalFilesBeforeReplication: false
syncInternalFilesIgnorePatterns: \/node_modules\/, \/\.git\/, \/obsidian-livesync\/
syncInternalFilesInterval: 0
additionalSuffixOfDatabaseName: ec77c75d13a1fff6
ignoreVersionCheck: false
lastReadUpdates: 23
deleteMetadataOfDeletedFiles: false
syncIgnoreRegEx: ""
syncOnlyRegEx: ""
customChunkSize: 50
readChunksOnline: true
watchInternalFileChanges: true
automaticallyDeleteMetadataOfDeletedFiles: 0
disableMarkdownAutoMerge: false
writeDocumentsIfConflicted: false
useDynamicIterationCount: false
syncAfterMerge: true
configPassphraseStore: ""
encryptedPassphrase: 𝑅𝐸𝐷𝐴𝐢𝑇𝐸𝐷
encryptedCouchDBConnection: 𝑅𝐸𝐷𝐴𝐢𝑇𝐸𝐷
permitEmptyPassphrase: false
useIndexedDBAdapter: true
useTimeouts: false
writeLogToTheFile: false
doNotPaceReplication: false
hashCacheMaxCount: 300
hashCacheMaxAmount: 50
concurrencyOfReadChunksOnline: 30
minimumIntervalOfReadChunksOnline: 25
hashAlg: xxhash64
suspendParseReplicationResult: false
doNotSuspendOnFetching: false
useIgnoreFiles: false
ignoreFiles: .gitignore
syncOnEditorSave: false
pluginSyncExtendedSetting: {}
syncMaxSizeInMB: 50
settingSyncFile: ""
writeCredentialsForSettingSync: false
notifyAllSettingSyncFile: false
isConfigured: true
settingVersion: 0
enableCompression: false
accessKey: 𝑅𝐸𝐷𝐴𝐢𝑇𝐸𝐷
bucket: 𝑅𝐸𝐷𝐴𝐢𝑇𝐸𝐷(0 letters)
endpoint: Not configured or AWS
region: 𝑅𝐸𝐷𝐴𝐢𝑇𝐸𝐷(4 letters)
secretKey: 𝑅𝐸𝐷𝐴𝐢𝑇𝐸𝐷
useEden: false
maxChunksInEden: 10
maxTotalLengthInEden: 1024
maxAgeInEden: 10
disableCheckingConfigMismatch: false

Plug-in log

Plug-in log Log is taken from me deleting a note, resulting in the permanent icon. It seems to notice the change, but never logs a "Done" for it.
09/05/2024, 18:44:52->Cache initialized 300 / 250000000000

09/05/2024, 18:44:52->loading plugin

09/05/2024, 18:44:52->Self-hosted LiveSync v0.23.6 0.23.6 

09/05/2024, 18:44:52->xxhash for plugin initialised

09/05/2024, 18:44:52->Waiting for ready...

09/05/2024, 18:44:52->Opening Database...

09/05/2024, 18:44:52->Database is now ready.

09/05/2024, 18:44:52->Initialize and checking database files

09/05/2024, 18:44:52->Checking deleted files

09/05/2024, 18:44:52->Collecting local files on the DB: 25

09/05/2024, 18:44:52->Collecting local files on the DB: 50

09/05/2024, 18:44:52->Collecting local files on the DB: 75

09/05/2024, 18:44:52->Collecting local files on the DB: 100

09/05/2024, 18:44:52->Collecting local files on the DB: 125

09/05/2024, 18:44:52->Collecting local files on the DB: 150

09/05/2024, 18:44:52->Collecting local files on the DB: 175

09/05/2024, 18:44:52->Updating database by new files

09/05/2024, 18:44:52->UPDATE DATABASE: Nothing to do

09/05/2024, 18:44:52->UPDATE STORAGE

09/05/2024, 18:44:52->UPDATE STORAGE: DONE:10, FAILED:0, LAST:53

09/05/2024, 18:44:52->UPDATE STORAGE All done: DONE:73, FAILED:0

09/05/2024, 18:44:55->Initialized, NOW TRACKING!

09/05/2024, 18:44:55->Scanning customizations...

09/05/2024, 18:44:55->Scanning customizing files.

09/05/2024, 18:44:55->Scanning customizations : done

09/05/2024, 18:44:55->OneShot Sync begin... (sync)

09/05/2024, 18:44:55->Replication activated

09/05/2024, 18:44:55->Replication completed

09/05/2024, 18:44:57->OneShot Sync begin... (sync)

09/05/2024, 18:44:57->Chunks saved: doc: Tyrant/CONFIG/workspace.json.md ,chunks: 5 (new:2, recycled:1, cached:2)

09/05/2024, 18:44:57->STORAGE --> DB:ix:Tyrant/CONFIG/workspace.json.md: (config) Done

09/05/2024, 18:44:57->Replication activated

09/05/2024, 18:44:58->Replication completed

09/05/2024, 18:44:59->OneShot Sync begin... (sync)

09/05/2024, 18:44:59->Chunks saved: doc: Tyrant/CONFIG/workspace.json.md ,chunks: 5 (new:2, recycled:0, cached:3)

09/05/2024, 18:44:59->STORAGE --> DB:ix:Tyrant/CONFIG/workspace.json.md: (config) Done

09/05/2024, 18:44:59->Replication activated

09/05/2024, 18:44:59->Replication completed

09/05/2024, 18:45:00->Entry removed:01 Tasks/Todo.md (01 Tasks-24-b1e0f6aef2f746f18c52e62877a5a5ab)

09/05/2024, 18:45:00->Chunks saved: doc: Tyrant/CONFIG/workspace.json.md ,chunks: 5 (new:3, recycled:0, cached:2)

09/05/2024, 18:45:00->STORAGE --> DB:ix:Tyrant/CONFIG/workspace.json.md: (config) Done

09/05/2024, 18:45:06->Chunks saved: doc: Tyrant/CONFIG/workspace.json.md ,chunks: 5 (new:2, recycled:0, cached:3)

09/05/2024, 18:45:06->STORAGE --> DB:ix:Tyrant/CONFIG/workspace.json.md: (config) Done

09/05/2024, 18:45:46->Log window opened

09/05/2024, 18:45:52->Chunks saved: doc: Tyrant/CONFIG/workspace.json.md ,chunks: 5 (new:3, recycled:0, cached:2)

09/05/2024, 18:45:52->STORAGE --> DB:ix:Tyrant/CONFIG/workspace.json.md: (config) Done

Observed the same on macos

Sorry for being late! I will address this issue on #399, Please move there.