vrnhgd / darktable-compat

compatibility utilities for using darktable

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


compatibility utilities for using darktable


  1. convert Lightroom database to darktable database
  2. auto-import photos and relevant XMP files (if available)
  3. optionally move raw files

important LR tables and variables

  1. Adobe_variablesTable
    1. Adobe_DBVersion (require 1000000)
    2. Adobe_lastScannedCatalogPath
    3. AgMetadata_autoWriteXmp (require TRUE)
  2. Adobe_images
  3. Adobe_imageProperties
  4. Adobe_imageDevelopBeforeSettings
  5. Adobe_imageDevelopSettings
  6. Adobe_AdditionalMetadata
  7. AgHarvestedDNGMetadata
  8. AgHarvestedExifMetadata
  9. AgHarvestedIptcMetadata
  10. AgHarvestedMetadataWorklist
  11. AgInternedExifCameraModel
  12. AgInternedExifCameraSN
  13. AgInternedExifLens
  14. AgInternedIptcCity
  15. AgInternedIptcCountry
  16. AgInternedIptcCreator
  17. AgInternedIptcCountryCode
  18. AgInternedIptcJobIdentifier
  19. AgInternedIptcLocation
  20. AgInternedIptcState
  21. AgLastcatalogExport
  22. AgLibraryCollection
    1. creationId
    2. imageCount
    3. name
    4. parent (does DT support groups?)
  23. AgLibraryFile
    1. id_local
    2. id_global
    3. baseName
    4. extension
    5. folder
    6. idx_filename
    7. sidecarExtensions (check after XMP export)
  24. AgLibraryFolder
    1. id_local
    2. id_global
    3. parentId
    4. pathFromRoot
    5. rootFolder
    6. visibility
  25. AgLibraryIPTC
  26. AgLibraryRootFolder
    1. id_local
    2. id_global
    3. absolutePath

Known and Unsupported LR tables

  • Adobe_libraryImageDevelop3DLUTColorTable
  • Adobe_libraryImageDevelopHistoryStep
  • Adobe_libraryImageDevelopSnapshot
  • Adobe_libraryImageFaceProcessHistory
  • Adobe_namedIdentityPlate
  • Adobe_variables


compatibility utilities for using darktable