vperilla / awesome-wayland

A curated list of Wayland code and resources.

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Awesome Wayland

A curated list of Wayland code and resources.

If you want to contribute, please read this.

Table of contents

Brightness Control

No Wayland-specific requirements, so you can use your xorg solution of choice to control screen brightness, like brightnessctl, brillo, light, or just directly manipulate /sys/class/backlight.

Browser without X library dependency

  • Surfer - Simple keyboard based webkit2gtk browser
  • wyeb - A vim-like webkit2gtk browser

Clipboard Managers

  • wl-clipboard - Command-line copy/paste utilities for Wayland
  • clipman - A simple clipboard manager for Wayland


  • hikari - A hybrid stacking/tiling Wayland compositor
  • river - A dynamic tiling Wayland compositor
  • Sway - i3-compatible Wayland compositor
  • Wayfire - 3D Wayland compositor
  • Weston - Reference compositor for Wayland

Display Configuration

  • Kanshi - Dynamic display configuration
  • wdisplays - GUI display configurator for wlroots compositors
  • wlay - Graphical output management for Wayland
  • wlr-randr - An xrandr clone for wlroots compositors

Image Viewers

  • imv - A command line image viewer for X11/Wayland
  • mvi - A command line image viewer utilizing mpv


  • bemenu - Dynamic menu library and client program inspired by dmenu
  • dmenu-wayland - dmenu-wl is an efficient dynamic menu for wayland (wlroots).
  • LavaLauncher - A simple launcher panel for Wayland desktops
  • Mauncher - A GTK-based alternative to dmenu for Wayland which supports display scaling
  • Wofi - A launcher/menu program for wlroots based Wayland compositors such as sway


  • client toolkit - A toolkit for writing Wayland clients in Rust
  • wlroots - Pluggable, composable, unopinionated modules for building a Wayland compositor


  • Mako - A lightweight Wayland notification daemon

PDF Viewers

Screen Locking

  • swayidle - Idle management daemon for Wayland
  • swaylock - Screen locker for Wayland
  • swaylock-blur - A small Rust program that runs swaylock and sets the image to a blurred screenshot of the desktop
  • waylock - A simple screenlocker for Wayland compositors


  • wf-recorder - A utility program for screen recording of wlroots-based compositors (more specifically, those that support wlr-screencopy-v1 and xdg-output)
  • wshowkeys - Displays keys being pressed on a Wayland session


  • Grim - Grab images from a Wayland compositor
  • Slurp - Select a region in a Wayland compositor
  • Swappy - A Wayland-native snapshot editing tool, inspired by Snappy on macOS

Session Management

  • wlogout - A Wayland-based logout menu

Status Bars

  • i3status-rust - Very resource-friendly and feature-rich replacement for i3status, written in pure Rust
  • rootbar - Root Bar is a bar for wlroots based Wayland compositors such as sway
  • waybar - Highly customizable Wayland bar for Sway and Wlroots based compositors
  • yambar - Modular status panel for X11 and Wayland, inspired by polybar

Terminal Emulators

  • Alacritty - A cross-platform, GPU-accelerated terminal emulator
  • Ate - Awesome terminal emulator
  • Germinal - Minimalist vte-based terminal emulator
  • GNOME Terminal - A terminal emulator for GNOME
  • Havoc - A minimal terminal emulator for Wayland
  • Kitty - A cross-platform, fast, feature-full, GPU-based terminal emulator
  • Termite - A keyboard-centric VTE-based terminal, aimed at use within a window manager with tiling and/or tabbing support

Video Players

  • mpv - Command line video player


  • oguri - A very nice animated wallpaper daemon for Wayland compositors
  • swaybg - A wallpaper utility for Wayland compositors




A curated list of Wayland code and resources.

License:Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal