voxpupuli / puppet-mongodb

mongodb installation

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Example for set_parameters

CostelloC opened this issue · comments

Can't seem to work out how to add an additional parameter under 'set_parameters'
set_parameter => 'authenticationMechanisms: SCRAM-SHA-1',
set_parameter => 'authenticationMechanisms= SCRAM-SHA-1',
Is there an example?

What are you seeing

setParameter is of type StringMap, but value in YAML config is not a map type

That depends on whether you use Hiera or the Puppet DSL.


mongodb::server::set_parameter: 'authenticationMechanisms=SCRAM-SHA-1'


class { ‘mongodb::server:
  set_parameter => 'authenticationMechanisms=SCRAM-SHA-1',

Please provide more infos, if this does not work. I never used this module. 🤓

Thanks @dhoppe, I'm using puppetDSL it looks like, this is the full class I use

-> class {'mongodb::server':
    ensure => present,
    port    => 27000,
    dbpath => '/data',
    dbpath_fix => true,
    logpath => '/log',
    verbose => true,
    storage_engine => 'wiredTiger',
    auth => true,
    set_parameter => 'authenticationMechanisms=SCRAM-SHA-1',

but I get the error
Option: setParameter is of type StringMap, but value in YAML config is not a map type
so then I also tried
set_parameter => 'authenticationMechanisms: SCRAM-SHA-1',

then I get
Error parsing YAML config file: yaml-cpp: error at line 36, column 38: illegal map value

I do not think that the error message is related to this Puppet module. It looks like a message from the mongoDB config validator.

According to the man pages of mongoDB, this parameter can only be set during the start-up:

I think this parameter needs to be added at /etc/sysconfig/mongod, which is not managed by this module.

I think it now works with this syntax-

    set_parameter => "
    authenticationMechanisms: SCRAM-SHA-1

Puppet runs and mongo starts with no errors, but I need to test it out


this is broken in the content_template
I fixed this by copying the current template and fixing it myself

class { '::mongodb::server':
    config_template => "${module_name}/${profile_name}/mongod.conf.erb", 