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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

No indication that a project is working on being published

kelseyscherer opened this issue · comments


There is no indication to users that an action is happening, and we may see a lot of support questions about why they've published but don't know what to do next.

Steps to repro:

  1. Create a project
  2. Save
  3. Publish
  4. Observe message that says publishing
  5. Once message disappears, but is still building, there is no indication that it's working on being published. The dashboard status says Updated and the publish screen shows no messaging.
  6. Once it's published, the dashboard status changes, but the publish screen does nothing until refresh.

Potential solutions

  • Refresh the publish tab automatically upon successful publish?
  • Some type of messaging on the screen after clicking publish that tells user what's happening?

Since I believe this is how it currently works I don't think this should be a blocker to redesign launch, but it is an unintuitive user experience so we should talk about ways to make this process more smooth.

I just tried publishing a project and got slightly different steps than the one above. Logging here for reference.

Steps to repro:

  1. Create a project
  2. Save
  3. Publish
  4. Observe message that says publishing
  5. Once message disappears, but is still building, the publishing button says publishing with animation. There is a refresh or some type of action, the publish button reverts back to publish now, and there is no indication on the publish page that the project is doing anything. The dashboard status says Updated, the create tab says updating and the publish screen shows no messaging.
  6. Once it's published, the dashboard status changes, but the publish screen does nothing until refresh.

Video of publish flow: https://www.dropbox.com/s/g5gnp0r5z3xx4mh/publish%20flow.mov?dl=0