voronianski / oceanic-next-color-scheme

:triangular_ruler: Sublime Text color scheme ready for next generation JavaScript syntax

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Suggestion: Make object properties different color form strings

ryanzec opened this issue · comments

This is what a JSON object looks like by default:

screen shot 2016-04-07 at 7 45 09 pm

So I took a look at the .tmTheme file can changed this:

    <string>String, Symbols, Inherited Class, Markup Heading</string>
    <string>string, constant.other.symbol, constant.other.key, entity.other.inherited-class, markup.heading, markup.inserted.git_gutter, meta.group.braces.curly constant.other.object.key.js string.unquoted.label.js</string>

to this:

    <string>String, Symbols, Inherited Class, Markup Heading</string>
    <string>string, constant.other.symbol, constant.other.key, entity.other.inherited-class, markup.heading, markup.inserted.git_gutter</string>
    <string>String, Inherited Class, Markup Heading</string>
    <string>meta.group.braces.curly constant.other.object.key.js string.unquoted.label.js</string>

screen shot 2016-04-07 at 7 45 25 pm

The second version seems a lot better to me and a lot more normal. It just does not make sense for unquoted object properties to be the same color and strings. A lot of times the value is a string and just seeing a bunch of green looks really weird to me. Having the color be the same as a regular variable just seem a lot better.

Would this be a welcomed pull request or is this really the intended color scheme?

PR is welcome