voronianski / flux-comparison

:pencil: Practical comparison of different Flux solutions

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Shared package.json does not reflect individual dependencies

gaearon opened this issue · comments


Currently each project has its own package.json, but really all dependencies are in the top-level package.json. Is this by design? Do you plan to change this?

@gaearon this project started as comparison of 3 frameworks so shared package.json worked well at that point, but as for now I think it will be smarter to move dependencies inside folders' package.jsons.


Do you want to do this all at once, or are you fine with updating them one by one?
I can send a PR for Redux deps.

@gaearon let's try one by one, thanks!

I've left react in root folder's package.json (as well as some libs that are used almost everywhere e.g. object-assign, es5-shim, etc.) because components from ./common folder also need React in them.

As for me this looks fine, except that some libraries like Reflux or Fluxible have react as peerDependency and npm installs it inside of the solution folder.

/cc @gaearon


Awesome! Yes, shared react is sensible.