vonovak / react-navigation-header-buttons

Easily render header buttons for react-navigation

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

OverflowMenu wrong onPress callback called

mmaass opened this issue · comments


i have two HiddenItems in an OverflowMenu. The 1st item is disabled. When i click on the second item, the onPress callback of the first (disabled one) gets called.

I've captured a video of the bug.


Or am I doing something wrong here? I've also tried not to define the onPress prop on the first item, but this causes an error as well. (which is at least consistent with the aforementioned bug)

The version is 7.0.1

hello, please find

hiddenButtons[buttonIndex - 1].onPress();

and change

hiddenButtons[buttonIndex - 1].onPress();


enabledButtons[buttonIndex - 1].onPress();

and let me know if it works, thanks!

Yes, that fixes the problem.

that bug managed to live there for a pretty long time... thanks for reporting!

thanks for fixing