vonovak / react-navigation-header-buttons

Easily render header buttons for react-navigation

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accessibilityLabel is not working for header buttons

vineelk8 opened this issue · comments

Below is the code in headerOptions:

props.navigation.setOptions({ headerLeft: () => ( <HeaderButtons HeaderButtonComponent={HeaderIcon}> <Item accessible accessibilityLabel="back" title="back" iconName="arrow-back" color={Colors.bokaraGrey} onPress={onDataDraft} /> </HeaderButtons> ), });
And HeaderIcon component:

const HeaderIcon = props => { return ( <HeaderButton {...props} IconComponent={MaterialIcons} iconSize={24} /> ); };

accessibility Label (content-desc) is not showing in the Automator?

hello, thank you for reporting, I am sorry but I do not have much spare time, it'll be best if you investigate this yourself and open a PR with a fix, thank you!

@vonovak I tried multiple ways but did not found any solution

as per #156 this was just a problem with typings, and should be fixed now. thank you! :)