volcain-io / dotfiles

Dotfiles for Arch LInux, ZSH, VIM and other stuff

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

These are my dotfiles! I am using these files currently on Manjaro Linux. So these files should work on Arch Linux based distros. I didn't test the Makefile file yet. So use it on your own risk. Below you will find a couple of screenshots and more details which programs I use on my machine.


Caution: Not tested. Use at your own risk.

cd ~
git clone http://github.com/volcain-io/dotfiles.git .dotfiles
cd .dotfiles && make


Three monitor setup

This is actual my setup at home with three monitors in total.

Left monitor is connected via HDMI. Right monitor via VGA. Middle screen is my laptop monitor, which is also the main screen.

Desktop with 3 monitors

Main screen

Main screen



Setup of connecting and disconnecting to a WiFi network is pretty simple and straightforward. I simply start wifi-menu on left mouse click and the terminal opens up to configure my network connection. See [module/wifi] inside polybar config file for more details.



The flag inside polybar turns on/off accordingly to show me the status of wireguard. I use a simple script to start/stop wireguard (wg-status inside the .localbin folder), which needs to run as sudo. Therefore the script will prompt for sudo password, if you want to start or stop the service.

State Description Screenshot How To
On Service is running. Wireguard On Left mouse click on off
Off Service not running. Wireguard Off Right mouse click on on


There are three states for tracking the battery state.

State Description Screenshot
Charging Battery is charging. Animate text from left to right. Battery Charging
Discharging System is running on battery power. Animate text from right to left. Battery Discharging
Full Battery fully loaded. No animation. Battery Full


A custom script checks periodically the state of dropbox.

State Description Screenshot
Down Dropbox isn't running. Daemon down. Dropbox Down
Dead Dropbox isn't responding. Dropbox Dead
Syncing Files are being indexed and synchronized Dropbox Syncing
In sync All files are in sync. Dropbox In Sync

System updates

A custom script checks periodically for available updates.

State Description Screenshot How To
Latest System up to date Latest -
Upgrade Updates/Upgrades available Upgrade Left mouse click on upgrade (XX)




Default Programs (=must haves)

Shell Zsh
Zsh Framework Oh-My-Zsh
Window Manager i3-gaps
Terminal st
Status Bar polybar
AUR Helper yay
App Launcher rofi
System Info ufetch
Text Editor vim
Code/Org Editor Spacemacs
Notifications dunst
Screenshot maim
Image Viewer sxiv
Image Viewer feh
Video Player mpv
PDF Reader mupdf
Password Manager pass
Browser (main) Firefox
Browser (secondary) Chromium
Git browser tig
Mail Thunderbird
Cloud Storage Dropbox
Image Editor GIMP
Vector Processing Inkscape
WYSIWYG Publishing Scribus
RSS Client newsboat
Document Converter pandoc

Alternatives (=better defaults)

Original Alternative Usage
grep ripgrep Fully
cat bat Fully
find fd Evaluating
ls exa Fully
notify-send dunstify Fully
git diff diff-so-fancy Fully
top htop Fully
man tldr Partly

Optional Programs (=nice to have)

Flash OS images etcher
MAC Changer macchanger


Font (main) Hack
Font (Spacemacs) Adobe Source Code Pro
Font (Powerline) Powerline Fonts
Zsh Theme Spaceship
VIM Config SpaceVim



  • no auto login
  • disabled login manager (lightdm)
  • $mod+c opens clipboard manager
  • $mod+p opens password manager
  • $mod+0 opens session menu
  • $mod+Print opens screenshot menu


The script set-random-wallpaper sets randomly the wallpapers on start. It can be invoked from the command line, too. The script checks, how many monitors are connected and chooses randomly a wallpaper for each monitor. To set the wallpaper on each monitor feh is used. The wallpapers are stored inside the wallpapers directory.

Taking Screenshots

Custom Script: take-screenshot

Taking a Screenshot

Power Management

Custom Script: session-menu

Session Menu


Dotfiles for Arch LInux, ZSH, VIM and other stuff


Language:Emacs Lisp 37.4%Language:Shell 26.3%Language:C 17.6%Language:CSS 15.6%Language:Makefile 3.2%