vojtechhabarta / typescript-generator

Generates TypeScript from Java - JSON declarations, REST service client

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File download. How to get filename from header

aerfus opened this issue · comments


the code snippet given below

public Response download() {
    File file = ...;
    String value = "attachment; filename=\"filename\"";
    return Response.ok(file)
            .header(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_DISPOSITION, value)

produces the following TypeScript code

download(): RestResponse<BlobPart> {
    return this.httpClient.request({ method: 'GET', url: uriEncoding`api/` });

Could you please suggest on getting fileName from header as
the generated code returns bytes only?

P.S. BlobPart is a part of customTypeMapping

Thank you in advance!

@vojtechhabarta & team.

To accomplish the task it is necessary to pass observe and responseType.

this.http.get(URL, {headers : headers, observe: 'response', responseType: 'blob'}

My proposal is:

  1. add optional fields observe and responseType to JaxrsApplicationClient
  2. add optional parameters observe and responseType to method signature when Content-Disposition is produced by API method

Let me know if there are concerns.

Also, I don't mind implementing this feature.

Dear @sullis @clamothe @emmanueltouzery @nivertius.

Sorry for disturbing.
Just wanted to understand whether the project is active or not
as I see no sign of activity in PRs and Issues.

Dear @vojtechhabarta ,

could you please check the thread above?
Sorry for disturbing...