vojtechhabarta / typescript-generator

Generates TypeScript from Java - JSON declarations, REST service client

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org.springframework.lang.Nullable not supported

klaus7 opened this issue · comments


some external dependency I use (and inherit from) uses the org.springframework.lang.Nullable annotation. When I add this to my list of nullable annotations like:

            val gen = TypeScriptGenerator(Settings().apply {
                // ...
                nullableAnnotations = listOf(

... it will fail with the following error:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: 'org.springframework.lang.Nullable' annotation cannot be used as nullable annotation because it doesn't have 'TYPE_PARAMETER' or 'TYPE_USE' target.
	at cz.habarta.typescript.generator.Settings.validate(Settings.java:410)
	at cz.habarta.typescript.generator.TypeScriptGenerator.<init>(TypeScriptGenerator.java:59)

This is in the spring framework, so I can't really change anything in the annotation, but I guess the annotation provided by spring should be supported as it is?

That would really be a nice enhancement. At least with Java 21 org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable seems to be the only working annotation for Nullable.

  • org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable can be configured, but does not have any effect
  • javax.annotation.Nullable which could work is no longer available, jakarta.annotation.Nullable results in the same issue as described above.