vnmakarov / mir

A lightweight JIT compiler based on MIR (Medium Internal Representation) and C11 JIT compiler and interpreter based on MIR

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possible bug in process_inlines

Itay2805 opened this issue · comments

I have noticed that I get a strange assert (wrong insert_before for MIR_insn_t) in the following code in mir.c inside the process_inlines function:

        if (head_func_insn->code != MIR_LABEL)
          MIR_insert_insn_before (ctx, func_item, head_func_insn, func_top_alloca);
          MIR_insert_insn_after (ctx, func_item, head_func_insn, func_top_alloca);

In my test code I have a function whose first instruction is a call, which from what I can tell gets inlined into the first function, that causes the head_func_insn to no longer actually point to the first instruction (func->insns->head), which makes for the assert to eventually fire.

The first function:

int32 [Corelib-v1]System.Random+ThreadSafeRandom::Next():	func	i32, p:this
	local	i64:exception, i64:si0, i64:ti0, i64:ti1
# 1 arg, 4 locals
	call	[Corelib-v1]System.Random+XoshiroImpl [Corelib-v1]System.Random+ThreadSafeRandom::get_LocalRandom()$proto, [Corelib-v1]System.Random+XoshiroImpl [Corelib-v1]System.Random+ThreadSafeRandom::get_LocalRandom(), si0
	mov	ti0, si0
	mov	ti1, u32:(ti0)
	call	int32 [Corelib-v1]System.Random+ImplBase::Next()$proto, int32 [Corelib-v1]System.Random+XoshiroImpl::Next(), si0, ti0
	mov	ti0, si0
	ret	ti0

The second function:

[Corelib-v1]System.Random+XoshiroImpl [Corelib-v1]System.Random+ThreadSafeRandom::get_LocalRandom():	func	p
	local	i64:exception, i64:si0, i64:ti0, i64:si1
# 0 args, 4 locals
	mov	ti0, [Corelib-v1]System.Random+ThreadSafeRandom::_random
	mov	si0, p:(ti0)
	mov	ti0, si0
	mov	si0, ti0
	mov	si1, ti0
	mov	ti0, si1
	bt	L32167, ti0
	call	[Corelib-v1]System.Random+XoshiroImpl [Corelib-v1]System.Random+ThreadSafeRandom::Create()$proto, [Corelib-v1]System.Random+XoshiroImpl [Corelib-v1]System.Random+ThreadSafeRandom::Create(), si0
	mov	ti0, si0
	ret	ti0

After more inspection I think I understand more, the first instruction is a call that gets inlined, that causes the first instruction to then get removed from the insn list (since the call itself is no longer needed), then at a later stage the head_func_insn (which now has its prev and next being NULL) is used to insert another thing at the start, which fails because the instruction is no longer linked.

Thank you for reporting this and provide the test cases. I'll try to fix the problem on this week.

Your analysis is right. After some tries, I create a code which reproduces the bug.

I've pushed the fix c476b61 into master and v_0_x branch.

Thank you again for reporting this.

Tested and it works great! Thanks!