vnmakarov / mir

A lightweight JIT compiler based on MIR (Medium Internal Representation) and C11 JIT compiler and interpreter based on MIR

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Compilation from C and optimization of sequences of bnes + jmp

drosenborg opened this issue · comments


Just started exploring MIR and I find it very impressive!

I'm currently building simple filters from a higher level language that I translate into C and have come across case where I can't get mir to generate the code I ideally want. The C code looks like this with a rather long (about 100) sequence of if statements:

if (A == 5609) goto L498;
if (A == 6200) goto L498;
if (A == 6202) goto L498;

c2mir will turn this into:

        bnes    L71, u0_A, 5609
        jmp     L43
        jmp     L72
        bnes    L75, u0_A, 6200
        jmp     L43
        jmp     L76
        bnes    L79, u0_A, 6202
        jmp     L43
        jmp     L80

The problem here is that in my view it is reversing the logic from eq to ne and that requires it to insert an extra jmp per step. If I by hand restore it to mimic my original intent by replacing bnes with beqs, the generated filter runs about twice as fast:

       beqs     L43, u0_A, 5609
       beqs     L43, u0_A, 6200
       beqs     L43, u0_A, 6202

I discovered this "anomaly" when I out of curiosity compiled the C code with gcc and got double the performance when using the filter, and when I compared the generated machine code I realised that gcc had retained the fall-through style for the false branch by using just 'je' instead of 'jne + jmpq' as mir does.

So my question is if you know of a way that I can rearrange the C-code so that the result becomes closer to what I want, or if this is something that can be improved in c2mir.



Actually, it looks like if I reverse the conditional expression and nest the if statements, I get closer to what I want, just hoping deep nesting won't be a problem ...

   if (A != 5609)
      if (A != 6200)
         if (A != 6202)

Thank you for reporting this.

Strange, I am having a bit different code for the first test:

        bnes    L0, hr0, 5609 # indexes: _,_,_
        jmp     L3 # indexes: _
L0 # indexes:
        bnes    L1, hr0, 6200 # indexes: _,_,_
        jmp     L2 # indexes: _
L1 # indexes:
        bnes    L2, hr0, 6202 # indexes: _,_,_ # dead: hr0
        jmp     L4 # indexes: _

L2 # indexes:
        mov     hr0, 2 # indexes: _,_
        jmp     L1 # indexes: _

L3 # indexes:
        mov     hr0, 3 # indexes: _,_
        jmp     L1 # indexes: _

L4 # indexes:

Still the code is bad. I'll look what can I do.