vnev / recyclr-backend

CS 407 project - Fall 2018

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Backend Repository of Project for CS407 Fall 2018


Cory Laker, Geoffrey Myers, Pranav Vasudha, Ryan Walden, Vedant Nevetia, Zachary Rich

API Routes

Public routes

  • /user: Create new user

    • Type: POST
    • Request Body Parameters
      • email: User email
      • name: User name
      • passwd: User password
      • is_company: Is user a company? ('f' for user, 't' for company)
  • /company: Create new company

    • Type: POST
      • Request Body Parameters
        • email: Company email
        • name: Company name
        • passwd: Company password
        • is_company: Is user a company? ('f' for user, 't' for company)
  • /signin: Sign in user/company

    • Type: POST
    • Request Body Parameters
      • email: User/Company email
      • passwd: User/Company password
    • Returns token response containing a JSON Web Token
  • /user/{id}/delete: ADMIN ROUTE: Deletes a user from database

    • Type: GET
    • GET request accepts a user ID in the URL and deletes that user and all listings, etc. associated with that user's ID if found
  • /user/{id}/ban: ADMIN ROUTE: Bans a user from Recyclr

    • Type: GET
    • GET request accepts a user ID in the URL and bans the user from Recyclr. Authentication with the same URL will fail henceforth

Protected routes - requires signed in user/company

  • /user/{id}: Update user

    • Type: PUT
    • Request Body Parameters
      • email: New user email
      • passwd: New user password
      • address: New user address
      • name: New user name
    • Can send in only the parameters which need to be updated, not all
  • /user/{id}: Get user

    • Type: GET
    • Returns relevant user information based if user with id is found
  • /user/progress/{id}: Get user's recycling progress

    • Type: GET
    • Returns user's recycling progress
  • /user/delete: Delete user's profile NOT IMPLEMENTED

    • Type: POST
    • Request Body Parameters
  • /user/logout: Logout the user

    • Type: POST
    • Request Body Parameters
      • user_id: ID of the user
  • /companies: Get all companies registered in DB

    • Type: GET
  • /company/{id}: Get company account information associated with ID

    • Type: GET
    • Returns company account associated with id
  • /company/delete: Delete company's profile NOT IMPLEMENTED

    • Type: POST
    • Request Body Parameters
  • /listings: Get all listings

    • Type: GET
    • Returns all listings in the database
  • /listing/{id}: Get listing associated with ID

    • Type: GET
    • Returns listing information associated with id
  • /listing: Create a new listing

    • Type: POST
    • Request Body Parameters
      • title: string: Listing title
      • description: string: Listing description
      • material_type: string: Type of material being recycled (hopefully will be from a constant set of strings so we can filter by a particular type of material in the database)
      • material_weight: float: Weight of the material being recycled
      • user_id: integer: ID of the user creating the listing
  • /listing/{id}/update: Update an existing listing

    • Type: POST

    • Request parameters

      • id: ID of the listing being updated
    • Request Body Parameters

      • title: New title
      • description: New description
      • material_weight: New material weight
      • material_type: New material type
      • is_active: 'f' if order was purchased, 't' if order is still active
      • pickup_date_time: Date and time for pickup in case order was placed
    • Returns a status code indicating success or failure


CS 407 project - Fall 2018


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