vmware-labs / wasm-workers-server

🚀 Develop and run serverless applications on WebAssembly

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Administration panel feedback

Angelmmiguel opened this issue · comments

Since v1.3, wws includes and administration panel you can enable using the --enable-panel flag. The admin panel provides you an UI to check the information about your project and more stuff in the future.

$ wws ./examples/js-json --enable-panel

⚙️  Preparing the project from: ./examples/js-json
⚙️  Loading routes from: ./examples/js-json
⏳ Loading workers from 1 routes...
✅ Workers loaded in 124.985041ms.
      => ./examples/js-json/handler.js
🎛️  The admin panel is available at
🚀 Start serving requests at

You can find more information in the Wasm Workers Server v1.3 article.

The initial version of the administration panel is just the beginning. Providing an integrated UI to manage your applications open a new set of possibilities. For example, you will be able to code your workers directly in the browser.

What are the features you would like to see in the admin panel?

Feel free to drop your ideas in this issue! 😄