vmware-clarity / ng-clarity

Clarity Angular is a scalable, accessible, customizable, open-source design system built for Angular.

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cds-icon and dropdown text doesn't have any space in between

YunjunWang opened this issue · comments

This is a bug report for the @clr Angular or UI versions of the design system.
For the web-component implementation of Clarity (@cds), visit vmware-clarity/core.

If you are a VMware employee or a contractor in VMware, please use our support channel in slack to raise Clarity issues.

Describe the bug

When using Clarity 15 to create a dropdown ui with cds-icon, there's no space btw the dropdown button text and the cds-icon if you've size specified e.g. size-"14"

How to reproduce

Please provide a link to a reproduction scenario using one of the Clarity Stackblitz templates. Reports without a clear reproduction may not be prioritized until one is provided.

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to 'https://stackblitz.com/edit/clarity-dark-theme-clr15-4dwdvg'
  2. Check the space between the dropdown text and cds-icon
  3. There's no space in between

Expected behavior

Always have proper space (padding/margin) between the dropdown button text and cds-icon used for the dropdown


Clarity version:

  • v15.x

Framework version:

ie: Angular 15


  • Type: [e.g. MacBook]
  • OS: [e.g. iOS]
  • Browser: [e.g. chrome, safari]
  • Version: [e.g. 22]

Additional notes

Add any other notes about the problem here.

This seems to have been addressed in v16. Kindly check this Stackblitz:

v15 Screenshot:

v16 Screenshot:

CC: @kevinbuhmann

@YunjunWang this is the accepted position for the dropdown icon for CLR theme for v13 and v15. In CDS theme the icon is in different place.
CLR theme is deprecated in clarity-ng v16, but still can be used, and will be completely removed in v17.

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