vmware-archive / kubecfg

A tool for managing complex enterprise Kubernetes environments as code.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Clarification on kubecfg's future

SirensOfTitan opened this issue · comments


Really sorry to noise up the issue list here, but I figure an answer here is good for everyone.

With kubecfg and ksonnet sitting in the same organization on GitHub, I'm wondering whether kubecfg is going to get archived or deprecated alongside ksonnet per this announcement here:

Thanks for the reminder! I have answered this a number of times on #ksonnet slack channel, but not yet in a way that was visible to github users:

kubecfg is very much alive and well! The VMware/Heptio announcement only covers ksonnet/ksonnet and ksonnet/ksonnet-lib (and closely related projects).

The plan is to move ksonnet/kubecfg to bitnami/kubecfg to make this clearer real soon now. This will change the URL (obviously) and the go import statements similarly, but otherwise the VMware announcement has no impact on kubecfg. When the move happens, GitHub should leave an HTTP redirect behind - so for now you should continue to point people to the existing GitHub ksonnet/kubecfg URL.

(I will use this issue to track the project move.)

  • Rename github repo
  • Rename golang imports (#249)
  • Fix SaaS integrations (travis-ci, etc)
  • Make a release under new name
  • Profit

I think we've completed all the above action items (other than "Profit", still working on that one). Closing.