vlfeat / vlfeat

An open library of computer vision algorithms

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error: ‘vl_infinity_d’ not specified in enclosing ‘parallel’

peijason opened this issue · comments

Failed to build current vlfeat-0.9.21, my ENV:

vlfeat git:(master) lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID:	Ubuntu
Description:	Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
Release:	20.04
Codename:	focalvlfeat git:(master) gcc --version
gcc (Ubuntu 9.3.0-10ubuntu2) 9.3.0
Copyright (C) 2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO

make results:

vlfeat git:(master) make
Detected compiler: gcc 9
GCC <= 4.6.0 detected, disabling AVX.
The MALTAB version will be detected in the next phase of Make
             CC bin/glnxa64/objs/kmeans.o
In file included from vl/kmeans.h:21,
                 from vl/kmeans.c:363:
vl/kmeans.c: In function ‘_vl_kmeans_quantize_f’:
vl/mathop.h:92:37: error: ‘vl_infinity_d’ not specified in enclosing ‘parallel’
   92 | #define VL_INFINITY_D (vl_infinity_d.value)
      |                       ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~
vl/kmeans.c:685:34: note: in expansion of macro ‘VL_INFINITY_D’
  685 |       TYPE bestDistance = (TYPE) VL_INFINITY_D ;
      |                                  ^~~~~~~~~~~~~
In file included from vl/kmeans.c:1782:
vl/kmeans.c:672:9: error: enclosing ‘parallel’
  672 | #pragma omp parallel default(none) \
      |         ^~~
In file included from vl/kmeans.c:1788:
vl/kmeans.c: In function ‘_vl_kmeans_quantize_d’:
vl/kmeans.c:685:27: error: ‘vl_infinity_d’ not specified in enclosing ‘parallel’
  685 |       TYPE bestDistance = (TYPE) VL_INFINITY_D ;
vl/kmeans.c:672:9: error: enclosing ‘parallel’
  672 | #pragma omp parallel default(none) \
      |         ^~~
make: *** [make/dll.mak:111: bin/glnxa64/objs/kmeans.o] Error 1

Did you resolve this problem ?

Hi I reproduced this problem also. Any workaround ?


Remove all default(None) in file vl/kmeans.c .

However, I now have a further issue:
⨯ make ARCH=glnxa64 MKOCTFILE=/usr/local/bin/mkoctfile
brought me a further issue:

 make ARCH=glnxa64 MKOCTFILE=/usr/local/bin/mkoctfile                                                                                                                 12:41:28
Detected compiler: gcc 9
GCC <= 4.6.0 detected, disabling AVX.
The MALTAB version will be detected in the next phase of Make
            MEX toolbox/mex/mexa64/vl_hikmeanspush.mexa64
mex: unrecognized option '-glnxa64'
mex: unrecognized option '-O'
mex: unrecognized option '-largeArrayDims'
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.20 (TeX Live 2019/Debian) (preloaded format=mex)
 restricted \write18 enabled.
entering extended mode
! I can't find file `"CFLAGS=$CFLAGS "'.
                      LDFLAGS=$LDFLAGS  -DVL_DISABLE_AVX -I. -Itoolbox ./too...

(Press Enter to retry, or Control-D to exit)
Please type another input file name: 

My env:
OS: Ubuntu 20.04

That is why I'm using option: -glnxa64.

Thanks, it solved my issue.

Hi, @pierre33

How did you solve that pdfTex issue?


Hi @peijason,
Actually I did not encounter this issue when compiling vlfeat doing the following:

Here are the first lines when doing the previous commands:
Detected compiler: gcc 9
GCC <= 4.6.0 detected, disabling AVX.
MATLAB support disabled
The MALTAB version will be detected in the next phase of Make
CC bin/glnxa64/objs/kmeans.o
CC bin/glnxa64/objs/mathop_avx.o
CC bin/glnxa64/objs/kdtree.o

I have also tried and it depends if latex is installed on the local system : Works with
See #76

On my ubuntu 20.04, I had also to add libiomp5.so dependency by installing intel-mkl-full package
sudo apt install intel-mkl-full

@peijason You are the best, thanks for your solution. I was trying to build vl_sift.mex so I can use it inside Octave.. not fun. But here is what worked for me:

mkoctfile --mex -v --output "toolbox/mex/octave/mexa64/vl_sift.mex" -DVL_DISABLE_AVX -DMATLAB_MEX_FILE -I. -Itoolbox "./toolbox/sift/vl_sift.c" -Lbin/glnxa64 -lvl -lm

For some reason, while your command worked and put many vl_*mex files in toolbox/mex.octave, it did not build sift. Not sure why. The other error I got was that mxMalloc_800 not recognized.

For this, I just removed all the _800 tags in the source code. Then it worked. Hope it helps.

I am also using 20.04.

For me removing default(none) from vl/kmeans.c worked to some extend. I also had to remove the following from toolbox/mexutils.h:

/* these attributes suppress undefined symbols warning with GCC */
#if (! defined(HAVE_OCTAVE))
EXTERN_C void __attribute__((noreturn))
mexErrMsgIdAndTxt (const char * identifier, const char * err_msg, ...) ;
extern void __attribute__((noreturn))
mexErrMsgIdAndTxt (const char *id, const char *s, ...);

I don't have octave and it was complaining about a missing ; before


It then compiled with matlab support.

Edit: OS: ubuntu 20.04, matlab2020b