vlfeat / vlfeat

An open library of computer vision algorithms

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error: unknown type name 'EXTERN_C'

siinem opened this issue · comments

When I try to run "make MEX=/Applications/MATLAB_R2019a.app/bin/mex ARCH=maci64" from the terminal, I am getting the following error. I am using Matlab 2019a and macOS Mojave 10.14.5 .

Sinems-MacBook-Pro:vlfeat sinem$ make MEX=/Applications/MATLAB_R2019a.app/bin/mex ARCH=maci64
Detected compiler: clang 100001
Apple Clang does not support OpenMP yet, disabling.
Alternatively, use brew llvm clang and specify DISABLE_OPENMP=no.
The MALTAB version will be detected in the next phase of Make
            MEX toolbox/mex/mexmaci64/vl_vlad.mexmaci64
Building with 'Xcode with Clang'.
In file included from /Users/sinem/Documents/Frameworks/ACR/coins_framework/vlfeat/./toolbox/vlad/vl_vlad.c:15:
toolbox/mexutils.h:157:1: error: unknown type name 'EXTERN_C'
EXTERN_C void __attribute__((noreturn))
toolbox/mexutils.h:157:10: error: expected identifier or '('
EXTERN_C void __attribute__((noreturn))
2 errors generated.

When I check make info, I see that Matlab supprt disabled:

** MATLAB support
MATLAB support disabled (MEX not found)
        mex_src = ./toolbox/vlad/vl_vlad.c ./toolbox/sift/vl_liop.c ...
        mex_tgt = toolbox/mex/mexmaci64/vl_vlad.mexmaci64 toolbox/mex/mexmaci64/vl_liop.mexmaci64 ...
        mex_dep = toolbox/mex/mexmaci64/vl_vlad.d toolbox/mex/mexmaci64/vl_liop.d ...
          m_src = ./toolbox/demo/vl_demo_mser_cmd.m ./toolbox/demo/vl_demo_sift_vs_ubc.m ...
          m_lnk = toolbox/noprefix/vlad.m toolbox/noprefix/liop.m ...
        mex_dll = toolbox/mex/mexmaci64/libvl.dylib
     MATLAB_EXE = "/bin/matlab"
     MATLAB_VER = 0 
            MEX = mex
      MEX_FLAGS =  -maci64  -O  -largeArrayDims CC=cc LD=cc CFLAGS=
          -arch = x86_64
    -fno-common = -fexceptions
       LDFLAGS= = -arch
         x86_64 = -Wl,-syslibroot,/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.14.sdk
-mmacosx-version-min=10.4 = -bundle
-Wl,-exported_symbols_list,/extern/lib/maci64/mexFunction.map = 
     MEX_CFLAGS =  -DVL_DISABLE_OPENMP   -I. -Itoolbox
    MEX_LDFLAGS = -Ltoolbox/mex/mexmaci64 -lvl -lm

Can someone have an idea on how to solve it?

Thanks in advance!

solved by commenting that part in the mexutils.h .

life saver


What part of the code? @siinem
EXTERN_C void __attribute__((noreturn))?