vlang / vls

V language server. (Old V language server - see v-analyzer)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Grammar railroad diagram

mingodad opened this issue · comments

Using this script https://github.com/mingodad/plgh/blob/main/json2ebnf.js (with quickjs) and with some manual fixes we can have a navigable railroad diagram.

Copy and paste the EBNF shown bellow on https://www.bottlecaps.de/rr/ui on the tab Edit Grammar the click on the tab View Diagram to see/download a navigable railroad diagram.

// From ../tree-sitter/docs/index.md
// EBNF to generate railroad diagram at https://www.bottlecaps.de/rr/ui
source_file ::=  ( ( _top_level_declaration |  _statement )  _automatic_separator?  ) * 
_top_level_declaration ::=  const_declaration |  global_var_declaration |  function_declaration |  type_declaration |  struct_declaration |  _binded_struct_declaration |  enum_declaration |  interface_declaration |  import_declaration |  module_clause
_expression ::=  empty_literal_value |  int_literal |  float_literal |  _string_literal |  rune_literal |  _reserved_identifier |  binded_identifier |  identifier |  _single_line_expression |  type_initializer |  map |  array |  fixed_array |  unary_expression |  binary_expression |  is_expression |  index_expression |  slice_expression |  type_cast_expression |  as_type_cast_expression |  call_expression |  special_call_expression |  fn_literal |  selector_expression |  parenthesized_expression |  _expression_with_blocks
parenthesized_expression ::=  '('  _expression ')' 
unary_expression ::=   (  ( (  ( '+'  |  '-'  |  '!'  |  '~'  |  '^'  |  '*'  |  '&'  |  '<-'  )  )  (  _expression )  )  ) 
binary_expression ::=   (  ( (  _expression )  (  ( '*'  |  '/'  |  '%'  |  '<<'  |  '>>'  |  '>>>'  |  '&'  |  '&^'  )  )  (  _expression )  )  )  |   (  ( (  _expression )  (  ( '+'  |  '-'  |  '|'  |  '^'  )  )  (  _expression )  )  )  |   (  ( (  _expression )  (  ( '=='  |  '!='  |  '<'  |  '<='  |  '>'  |  '>='  |  'in'  |  '!in'  )  )  (  _expression )  )  )  |   (  ( (  _expression )  (  '&&'  )  (  _expression )  )  )  |   (  ( (  _expression )  (  '||'  )  (  _expression )  )  ) 
as_type_cast_expression ::=  _expression 'as'  _simple_type
type_cast_expression ::=  (  _simple_type )  '('  (  _expression )  ')' 
call_expression ::=   (  ( (  ( identifier |  binded_identifier |  comptime_identifier |  selector_expression |  comptime_selector_expression )  )  (  type_parameters?  )  (  argument_list )  option_propagator?  )  ) 
special_argument_list ::=  '('  ( _simple_type |  option_type )  ( ','  _expression ) ?  ')' 
special_call_expression ::=   (  ( (  ( identifier |  selector_expression )  )  (  special_argument_list )  option_propagator?  )  ) 
comptime_identifier ::=  '$'  identifier
comptime_selector_expression ::=  '$'  ( '('  selector_expression ')'  ) 
option_propagator ::=   (  ( '?'  |  '!'  |  or_block )  ) 
or_block ::=  'or'  block
_expression_with_blocks ::=  if_expression |  match_expression |  select_expression |  sql_expression |  lock_expression |  unsafe_expression |  comptime_if_expression
_single_line_expression ::=   (  ( pseudo_comptime_identifier |  type_selector_expression |  none |  true |  false )  ) 
comment ::=  _comment
escape_sequence ::=  (   (  ( '\'  ( 'u' hex_digit hex_digit hex_digit hex_digit 
	|  'U' hex_digit hex_digit hex_digit hex_digit hex_digit hex_digit hex_digit hex_digit 
	|  'x' hex_digit hex_digit 
	|  [0-9][0-9][0-9]
	|  '\r?\n' 
	|  ['"abfrntv\$\] 
	|  '\S' )  )  )  ) 
none ::=  'none' 
true ::=  'true' 
false ::=  'false' 
spread_operator ::=   (  ( '...'  _expression )  ) 
type_initializer ::=   (  ( (  ( builtin_type |  type_identifier |  type_placeholder |  generic_type |  _binded_type |  qualified_type |  pointer_type |  array_type |  fixed_array_type |  map_type |  channel_type )  )  (  literal_value )  )  ) 
literal_value ::=  '{'  ( ( ( spread_operator |  keyed_element )  ( ','  |  ( '\n'  |  '\r'  |  '\r\n'  )  ) ?  ) *  |  ( element ( ','  element ) *  )  ) ?  '}' 
element ::=  _expression
keyed_element ::=  (  _element_key )  ':'  (  _expression ) 
_element_key ::=   (  _field_identifier )  |  type_identifier |  _string_literal |  int_literal |  call_expression |  selector_expression |  type_selector_expression |  index_expression
map ::=   (  ( '{'  ( keyed_element ( ','  |  ( '\n'  |  '\r'  |  '\r\n'  )  ) ?  ) +  '}'  )  ) 
array ::=   (  _non_empty_array ) 
fixed_array ::=   (  ( _non_empty_array '!'  )  ) 
_non_empty_array ::=  '['  ( _expression ',' ?  ) *  ']' 
fixed_array_type ::=  '['  (  ( int_literal |  identifier )  )  ']'  (  _simple_type ) 
array_type ::=   (  ( '['  ']'  (  _simple_type )  )  ) 
variadic_type ::=  '...'  _simple_type
pointer_type ::=   (  ( '&'  _simple_type )  ) 
map_type ::=  'map['  (  _simple_type )  ']'  (  _type ) 
channel_type ::=   (  ( 'chan'  (  _simple_type )  )  ) 
shared_type ::=  'shared'  _simple_type
thread_type ::=  'thread'  _simple_type
int_literal ::=  (  ( ( '0'  ( 'b'  |  'B'  )  '_' ?  ( [01] ( '_' ?  [01] ) *  )  )  |  ( '0'  |  ( [1-9] ( '_' ?  ( [0-9] ( '_' ?  [0-9] ) *  )  ) ?  )  )  |  ( '0'  ( 'o'  |  'O'  ) ?  '_' ?  ( /[0-7]/ ( '_' ?  /[0-7]/ ) *  )  )  |  ( '0'  ( 'x'  |  'X'  )  '_' ?  ( hex_digit ( '_' ?  hex_digit ) *  )  )  )  ) 
float_literal ::=  (  ( ( ( ( [0-9] ( '_' ?  [0-9] ) *  )  '.'  ( [0-9] ( '_' ?  [0-9] ) *  )  ( ( 'e'  |  'E'  )  ( '+'  |  '-'  ) ?  ( [0-9] ( '_' ?  [0-9] ) *  )  ) ?  )  |  ( ( [0-9] ( '_' ?  [0-9] ) *  )  ( ( 'e'  |  'E'  )  ( '+'  |  '-'  ) ?  ( [0-9] ( '_' ?  [0-9] ) *  )  )  )  |  ( '.'  ( [0-9] ( '_' ?  [0-9] ) *  )  ( ( 'e'  |  'E'  )  ( '+'  |  '-'  ) ?  ( [0-9] ( '_' ?  [0-9] ) *  )  ) ?  )  )  |  ( '0'  ( 'x'  |  'X'  )  ( ( '_' ?  ( hex_digit ( '_' ?  hex_digit ) *  )  '.'  ( hex_digit ( '_' ?  hex_digit ) *  ) ?  )  |  ( '_' ?  ( hex_digit ( '_' ?  hex_digit ) *  )  )  |  ( '.'  ( hex_digit ( '_' ?  hex_digit ) *  )  )  )  ( ( 'p'  |  'P'  )  ( '+'  |  '-'  ) ?  ( [0-9] ( '_' ?  [0-9] ) *  )  )  )  )  ) 
rune_literal ::=  (  ( '`'  ( [^'\] |  "'"  |  '"'  |  ( '\'  ( '0'  |  '`'  |  ( 'x'  hex_digit hex_digit )  |  ( [0-7] [0-7] [0-7] )  |  ( 'u'  hex_digit hex_digit hex_digit hex_digit )  |  ( 'U'  hex_digit hex_digit hex_digit hex_digit hex_digit hex_digit hex_digit hex_digit )  |  ( 'a'  |  'b'  |  'e'  |  'f'  |  'n'  |  'r'  |  't'  |  'v'  |  '\\'  |  "'"  |  '"'  )  )  )  )  '`'  )  ) 
_string_literal ::=  c_string_literal |  raw_string_literal |  interpreted_string_literal
c_string_literal ::=   (  _c_string_opening )  (  (  _string_content )  |  escape_sequence |  string_interpolation |  (  '$'  )  ) *  _string_closing
raw_string_literal ::=   (  _raw_string_opening )   (  _string_content ) *  _string_closing
interpreted_string_literal ::=   (  _string_opening )  (  (  _string_content )  |  escape_sequence |  string_interpolation |  (  '$'  )  ) *  _string_closing
string_interpolation ::=  ( _braced_interpolation_opening _expression format_specifier?  _interpolation_closing )  |  ( _unbraced_interpolation_opening ( identifier |  selector_expression )  ) 
format_specifier ::=  (  ':'  )  ( (  [gGeEfFcdoxXpsSc] )  |  ( (  [+-0] ) ?  int_literal ( '.'  int_literal ) ?  (  [gGeEfFcdoxXpsSc] ) ?  )  ) 
_reserved_identifier ::=  ( 'array'  |  'string'  |  'char'  |  'sql'  ) 
identifier ::=  (  ( ( ( [a-zα-ωµ] |  '_'  )  ( ( [a-zA-Zα-ωΑ-Ωµ] |  '_'  )  |  [0-9] ) *  )  |  ( '@'  ( (  'pub'  )  |  (  'none'  )  |  (  'const'  )  |  (  'mut'  )  |  (  '__global'  )  |  (  'fn'  )  |  (  'assert'  )  |  (  'as'  )  |  (  'go'  )  |  (  'spawn'  )  |  (  'asm'  )  |  (  'return'  )  |  (  'type'  )  |  (  'if'  )  |  (  'else'  )  |  (  'for'  )  |  (  'in'  )  |  (  'is'  )  |  (  'union'  )  |  (  'struct'  )  |  (  'enum'  )  |  (  'interface'  )  |  (  'defer'  )  |  (  'unsafe'  )  |  (  'import'  )  |  (  'match'  )  |  (  'lock'  )  |  (  'rlock'  )  |  (  'select'  )  |  (  'voidptr'  )  |  (  'byteptr'  )  |  (  'charptr'  )  |  (  'i8'  )  |  (  'i16'  )  |  (  'i32'  )  |  (  'int'  )  |  (  'i64'  )  |  (  'byte'  )  |  (  'u8'  )  |  (  'u16'  )  |  (  'u32'  )  |  (  'u64'  )  |  (  'f32'  )  |  (  'f64'  )  |  (  'char'  )  |  (  'bool'  )  |  (  'string'  )  |  (  'rune'  )  |  (  'array'  )  |  (  'map'  )  |  (  'mapnode'  )  |  (  'chan'  )  |  (  'size_t'  )  |  (  'usize'  )  |  (  'isize'  )  |  (  'float_literal'  )  |  (  'int_literal'  )  |  (  'thread'  )  |  (  'IError'  )  )  )  )  ) 
immediate_identifier ::=  (  ( [a-zα-ωµ] ( ( [a-zA-Zα-ωΑ-Ωµ] |  '_'  )  |  [0-9] |  '_'  ) *  )  ) 
_old_identifier ::=  (  ( ( [a-zA-Zα-ωΑ-Ωµ] |  '_'  )  ( ( [a-zA-Zα-ωΑ-Ωµ] |  '_'  )  |  [0-9] ) *  )  ) 
_mutable_prefix ::=   (  ( ( 'mut'  'static' ?  )  |  'shared'  )  ) 
mutable_identifier ::=   (  ( _mutable_prefix ( identifier |  _reserved_identifier )  )  ) 
_mutable_expression_2 ::=   (  ( _mutable_prefix ( selector_expression |  index_expression )  )  ) 
mutable_expression ::=   (  ( _mutable_prefix _expression )  ) 
binded_identifier ::=  (  ( 'C'  |  'JS'  )  )  (  '.'  )  (  ( identifier |  _old_identifier )  ) 
identifier_list ::=   (  ( ( mutable_identifier |  identifier |  _reserved_identifier )  ( ','  ( mutable_identifier |  identifier |  _reserved_identifier )  ) *  )  ) 
expression_list ::=   (  ( ( _expression |  mutable_expression )  ( ','  ( _expression |  mutable_expression )  ) *  )  ) 
_expression_list_repeat1 ::=  ( _expression |  mutable_expression )  ( ','  ( _expression |  mutable_expression )  ) + 
parameter_declaration ::=  (  ( mutable_identifier |  identifier |  _reserved_identifier )  )  (  ( _simple_type |  option_type |  variadic_type )  ) 
parameter_list ::=   (  ( '('  ( parameter_declaration ( ','  parameter_declaration ) *  ) ?  ')'  )  ) 
empty_literal_value ::=   (  ( '{'  '}'  )  ) 
argument_list ::=  '('  ( ( _expression |  mutable_expression |  keyed_element |  spread_operator )  ( ( ','  |  _automatic_separator )  ( _expression |  mutable_expression |  keyed_element |  spread_operator )  ) *  _automatic_separator?  ) ?  ')' 
_type ::=  _simple_type |  option_type |  result_type |  multi_return_type
option_type ::=   (  ( '?'  ( _simple_type |  multi_return_type ) ?  )  ) 
result_type ::=   (  ( '!'  ( _simple_type |  multi_return_type ) ?  )  ) 
multi_return_type ::=  '('  ( _simple_type ( ','  _simple_type ) *  )  ')' 
type_list ::=  _simple_type ( ','  _simple_type ) * 
_simple_type ::=  builtin_type |  type_identifier |  type_placeholder |  _binded_type |  qualified_type |  pointer_type |  array_type |  fixed_array_type |  function_type |  generic_type |  map_type |  channel_type |  shared_type |  thread_type
type_parameters ::=   (  ( (  '<'  )  ( _simple_type ( ','  _simple_type ) *  )  (  '>'  )  )  ) 
builtin_type ::=   (  ( 'voidptr'  |  'byteptr'  |  'charptr'  |  'i8'  |  'i16'  |  'i32'  |  'int'  |  'i64'  |  'byte'  |  'u8'  |  'u16'  |  'u32'  |  'u64'  |  'f32'  |  'f64'  |  'char'  |  'bool'  |  'string'  |  'rune'  |  'array'  |  'map'  |  'mapnode'  |  'chan'  |  'size_t'  |  'usize'  |  'isize'  |  'float_literal'  |  'int_literal'  |  'thread'  |  'IError'  )  ) 
_binded_type ::=   (  binded_identifier ) 
generic_type ::=  ( qualified_type |  type_identifier )  type_parameters
qualified_type ::=  (  _module_identifier )  '.'  (  type_identifier ) 
type_placeholder ::=  (  [A-ZΑ-Ω] ) 
pseudo_comptime_identifier ::=  '@'  [A-Z][A-Z0-9_]+
type_identifier ::=  (  ( [A-ZΑ-Ω] ( ( [a-zA-Zα-ωΑ-Ωµ] |  '_'  )  |  [0-9] ) +  )  ) 
_module_identifier ::=  identifier
_field_identifier ::=  identifier
_statement_list ::=  ( _statement _automatic_separator?  ) + 
_statement ::=  _simple_statement |  assert_statement |  continue_statement |  break_statement |  return_statement |  asm_statement |  go_statement |  spawn_statement |  goto_statement |  labeled_statement |  defer_statement |  for_statement |  comptime_for_statement |  send_statement |  block |  hash_statement
_simple_statement ::=  _expression |  inc_statement |  dec_statement |  assignment_statement |  short_var_declaration
inc_statement ::=  _expression '++' 
dec_statement ::=  _expression '--' 
send_statement ::=   (  ( (  _expression )  '<-'  (  _expression )  )  ) 
short_var_declaration ::=   (  ( (  expression_list )  ':='  (  expression_list )  )  ) 
assignment_statement ::=  (  expression_list )  (  ( '*='  |  '/='  |  '%='  |  '<<='  |  '>>='  |  '>>>='  |  '&='  |  '&^='  |  '+='  |  '-='  |  '|='  |  '^='  |  '='  )  )  (  expression_list ) 
assert_statement ::=  'assert'  _expression
block ::=  '{'  ( _statement_list |  _expression_list_repeat1 |  empty_labeled_statement |  ( _statement_list ( _expression_list_repeat1 |  empty_labeled_statement )  )  ) ?  '}' 
defer_statement ::=  'defer'  block
unsafe_expression ::=  'unsafe'  block
overloadable_operator ::=  (  '+'  )  |  (  '-'  )  |  (  '*'  )  |  (  '/'  )  |  (  '%'  )  |  (  '<'  )  |  (  '>'  )  |  (  '=='  )  |  (  '!='  )  |  (  '<='  )  |  (  '>='  ) 
exposed_variables_list ::=  '['  expression_list ']' 
function_declaration ::=   (  ( (  attribute_list?  )  'pub' ?  'fn'  (  parameter_list?  )  (  exposed_variables_list?  )  (  ( binded_identifier |  identifier |  overloadable_operator )  )  (  type_parameters?  )  (  ( parameter_list |  type_only_parameter_list )  )  (  _type?  )  (  block?  )  )  ) 
function_type ::=   (  ( 'fn'  (  ( parameter_list |  type_only_parameter_list )  )  (  _type?  )  )  ) 
type_only_parameter_list ::=  '('  ( type_parameter_declaration ( ','  type_parameter_declaration ) *  ) ?  ')' 
type_parameter_declaration ::=  'mut' ?  (  ( _simple_type |  option_type |  variadic_type )  ) 
fn_literal ::=   (  ( 'fn'  (  exposed_variables_list?  )  (  parameter_list )  (  _type?  )  (  block )  (  argument_list?  )  )  ) 
global_var_declaration ::=  '__global'  ( _global_var_spec |  global_var_type_initializer |  ( '('  ( ( _global_var_spec |  global_var_type_initializer )  ( '\n'  |  '\r'  |  '\r\n'  )  ) *  ')'  )  ) 
_global_var_spec ::=  const_spec
global_var_type_initializer ::=  (  identifier )  (  _type ) 
const_declaration ::=  'pub' ?  'const'  ( const_spec |  ( '('  ( const_spec ( '\n'  |  '\r'  |  '\r\n'  )  ) +  ')'  )  ) 
const_spec ::=  (  ( identifier |  _old_identifier )  )  '='  (  _expression ) 
asm_statement ::=  'asm'  identifier _content_block
sql_expression ::=   (  ( 'sql'  identifier?  _content_block )  ) 
_content_block ::=  '{'  (   (  [^{}]+ )  )  '}' 
break_statement ::=   (  ( 'break'  identifier?  )  ) 
continue_statement ::=   (  ( 'continue'  identifier?  )  ) 
return_statement ::=   (  ( 'return'  expression_list?  )  ) 
type_declaration ::=  'pub' ?  'type'  (  ( type_identifier |  builtin_type )  )  (  type_parameters?  )  '='  (  sum_type_list ) 
sum_type_list ::=  _simple_type ( '|'  _simple_type ) * 
go_statement ::=  'go'  _expression
spawn_statement ::=  'spawn'  _expression
goto_statement ::=  'goto'  identifier
labeled_statement ::=  (  identifier )  ':'  _statement
empty_labeled_statement ::=   (  ( (  identifier )  ':'  )  ) 
for_statement ::=  'for'  ( for_in_operator |  cstyle_for_clause |  _expression ) ?  (  block ) 
comptime_for_statement ::=  '$for'  for_in_operator (  block ) 
for_in_operator ::=   (  ( (  ( _expression |  identifier_list )  )  'in'  (  ( _definite_range |  _expression )  )  )  ) 
_definite_range ::=   (  ( (  _expression )  ( '..'  |  '...'  )  (  _expression )  )  ) 
_range ::=   (  ( (  _expression?  )  '..'  (  _expression?  )  )  ) 
selector_expression ::=   (  ( (  ( _expression |  comptime_identifier )  )  '.'  (  ( identifier |  type_identifier |  type_placeholder |  _reserved_identifier |  comptime_identifier |  comptime_selector_expression )  )  )  ) 
index_expression ::=   (  ( (  _expression )  '['  (  _expression )  ']'  option_propagator?  )  ) 
slice_expression ::=   (  ( (  _expression )  '['  _range ']'  )  ) 
cstyle_for_clause ::=   (  ( (  _simple_statement?  )  ';'  (  _expression?  )  ';'  (  _simple_statement?  )  )  ) 
comptime_if_expression ::=  '$if'  (  ( _expression '?' ?  )  )  (  block )  ( '$else'  (  ( block |  comptime_if_expression )  )  ) ? 
if_expression ::=  'if'  ( (  _expression )  |  (  short_var_declaration )  )  (  block )  ( 'else'  (  ( block |  if_expression )  )  ) ? 
is_expression ::=   (  ( (  ( type_placeholder |  mutable_identifier |  _mutable_expression_2 |  mutable_expression |  _expression )  )  ( 'is'  |  '!is'  )  (  ( option_type |  _simple_type |  none )  )  )  ) 
attribute_spec ::=   (  ( ( 'if'  identifier '?' ?  )  |  'unsafe'  |  identifier |  interpreted_string_literal |  ( (  ( 'unsafe'  |  identifier )  )  ':'  (  ( _string_literal |  identifier )  )  )  )  ) 
attribute_declaration ::=  '['  ( attribute_spec ( ';'  attribute_spec ) *  )  ']' 
attribute_list ::=  ( attribute_declaration ( '\n'  |  '\r'  |  '\r\n'  ) ?  ) + 
struct_declaration ::=  (  attribute_list?  )  'pub' ?  ( 'struct'  |  'union'  )  (   (  ( type_identifier |  builtin_type |  generic_type )  )  )  struct_field_declaration_list
struct_field_declaration_list ::=  '{'  ( ( struct_field_scope |  struct_field_declaration )  ( '\n'  |  '\r'  |  '\r\n'  ) ?  ) *  '}' 
struct_field_scope ::=  ( 'pub'  |  'mut'  |  ( 'pub'  'mut'  )  |  '__global'  )  (  ':'  ) 
struct_field_declaration ::=   (  ( ( (  _field_identifier )  (  ( _simple_type |  option_type )  )  (  attribute_declaration?  )  ( '='  (  _expression )  ) ?  ( '\n'  |  '\r'  |  '\r\n'  ) ?  )  |  (  ( ( type_identifier |  qualified_type )  ( '\n'  |  '\r'  |  '\r\n'  ) ?  )  )  )  ) 
_binded_struct_declaration ::=  (  attribute_list?  )  'pub' ?  ( 'struct'  |  'union'  )  (   (  _binded_type )  )  _binded_struct_field_declaration_list
_binded_struct_field_declaration_list ::=  '{'  ( ( struct_field_scope |  _binded_struct_field_declaration )  ( '\n'  |  '\r'  |  '\r\n'  ) ?  ) *  '}' 
_binded_struct_field_declaration ::=   (  ( (  ( _field_identifier |  _old_identifier )  )  (  ( _simple_type |  option_type )  )  (  attribute_declaration?  )  ( '='  (  _expression )  ) ?  ( '\n'  |  '\r'  |  '\r\n'  ) ?  )  ) 
enum_declaration ::=  attribute_list?  'pub' ?  'enum'  (  type_identifier )  enum_member_declaration_list
enum_member_declaration_list ::=  '{'  ( enum_member ( '\n'  |  '\r'  |  '\r\n'  ) ?  ) * ?  '}' 
enum_member ::=  (  identifier )  ( '='  (  _expression )  ) ? 
type_selector_expression ::=  (  ( type_placeholder |  type_identifier ) ?  )  '.'  (  ( _reserved_identifier |  identifier )  ) 
interface_declaration ::=  (  attribute_list?  )  'pub' ?  'interface'  (  ( type_identifier |  generic_type )  )  interface_spec_list
interface_spec_list ::=  '{'  ( ( struct_field_declaration |  interface_spec |  interface_field_scope )  ( '\n'  |  '\r'  |  '\r\n'  ) ?  ) * ?  '}' 
interface_field_scope ::=  'mut'  (  ':'  ) 
interface_spec ::=   (  ( (  _field_identifier )  (  ( parameter_list |  type_only_parameter_list )  )  (  _type?  )  )  ) 
hash_statement ::=  '#'  (  [^\r?\n]+  )  ( '\n'  |  '\r'  |  '\r\n'  ) 
module_clause ::=  (  attribute_list?  )  'module'  ' '  immediate_identifier
import_declaration ::=   (  ( 'import'  ' '  (  import_path )  ( ' '  ( (  import_alias )  |  (  import_symbols )  )  ) ?  )  ) 
import_path ::=  (  ( ( [a-zA-Zα-ωΑ-Ωµ] |  '_'  )  ( ( [a-zA-Zα-ωΑ-Ωµ] |  '_'  )  |  [0-9] |  '.'  ) *  )  ) 
import_symbols ::=  (  '{'  )  import_symbols_list '}' 
import_symbols_list ::=  ( identifier |  type_identifier )  ( ','  ( identifier |  type_identifier )  ) * 
import_alias ::=  'as'  ' '  (  immediate_identifier ) 
match_expression ::=  'match'  (  ( _expression |  mutable_expression )  )  '{'  expression_case*  default_case?  '}' 
case_list ::=  ( _expression |  _simple_type |  _definite_range )  ( ','  ( _expression |  _simple_type |  _definite_range )  ) * 
expression_case ::=  (  case_list )  (  block ) 
default_case ::=  'else'  (  block ) 
select_expression ::=  'select'  (  expression_list?  )  '{'  select_branch*  select_default_branch?  '}' 
select_branch ::=  short_var_declaration block
select_default_branch ::=  (  (  ( '>' ?  _expression )  )  |  'else'  )  block
lock_expression ::=  ( 'lock'  |  'rlock'  )  (  expression_list?  )  (  block ) 

// To make easy conversion

hex_digit ::= [a-fA-F0-9]

Try https://blog.vosca.dev/meet-v-analyzer/ instead, now that it is released.