vlang / vls

V language server. (Old V language server - see v-analyzer)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

got unexpected token U in JSON

veksha opened this issue · comments

Tried to make VLS work in vscode (Windows).
"got unexpected token U"

it is because backslashes in JSON strings must be escaped: "C:\Users.." -> "C:\\Users.."



Same error here, I'm also running VSCode on Windows.
This should be an easy fix for someone who knows where the code for this message is, but I can't find it.


Thanks, i will create a fork tomorrow, hopefully fix it, and create a pull request.


Done, although i couldn't compile it to check it works, something about gcc not recognising -municode

Try https://blog.vosca.dev/meet-v-analyzer/ instead, now that it is released.