vlang / ved

1 MB text editor written in V with hardware accelerated text rendering. Compiles in <1s.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Does not build on Windows 10 with latest V

Cthutu opened this issue · comments

After setting up freetype and typing v ., I get these warnings and errors:

.\ved.v:650:7: warning: function `utf32_to_str_no_malloc` must be called from an `unsafe` block
  648 |     }
  649 |     buf := [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
  650 |     s := utf32_to_str_no_malloc(code, buf) // .data)
      |          ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  651 |     // s := utf32_to_str(code)
  652 |     // println('s="$s" code="$code"')
.\ved.v:200:3: error: cannot assign to field `event_fn`: expected `fn (&gg.Event, voidptr)`, not `fn (&sapp.Event, mut Ved)`
  198 |         bg_color: ved.cfg.bgcolor
  199 |         frame_fn: frame
  200 |         event_fn: on_event
      |         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  201 |         keydown_fn: key_down
  202 |         char_fn: on_char
.\ved.v:201:3: error: cannot assign to field `keydown_fn`: expected `fn (gg.KeyCode, gg.Modifier, voidptr)`, not `fn (sapp.KeyCode, sapp.Modifier, mut Ved)`
  199 |         frame_fn: frame
  200 |         event_fn: on_event
  201 |         keydown_fn: key_down
      |         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  202 |         char_fn: on_char
  203 |         font_path: os.resource_abs_path('RobotoMono-Regular.ttf')

Very fast!! Well done.
The errors have gone but the warning remains. But Ved seems to run, but the title bar doesn't stretch the whole width of my Ultrawide monitor. I could add that as a separate issue if you want.