vlang / v

Simple, fast, safe, compiled language for developing maintainable software. Compiles itself in <1s with zero library dependencies. Supports automatic C => V translation. https://vlang.io

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Build errors with `make`: error: type `sync.WaitGroup` is private; type `v.depgraph.DepGraph` is private; …

SamuelMarks opened this issue · comments

V version: v0.2.x
OS: macOS 12.4 (21F79)

What did you do?

$ unzip v_macos.zip
$ cd v && make

What did you expect to see?
Should build v

What did you see instead?

cd ./vc && git clean -xf && git pull --quiet
cd ./thirdparty/tcc && git clean -xf && git pull --quiet
cc  -std=gnu99 -w -o v1.exe ./vc/v.c -lm -lpthread 
./v1.exe -no-parallel -o v2.exe  cmd/v
vlib/sync/pool/pool.v:20:23: error: type `sync.WaitGroup` is private
   18 |     results         []voidptr
   19 |     ntask           u32 // reading/writing to this should be atomic
   20 |     waitgroup       sync.WaitGroup
      |                          ~~~~~~~~~
   21 |     shared_context  voidptr
   22 |     thread_contexts []voidptr
vlib/v/ast/scope.v:45:12: error: `s` is immutable, cannot have a mutable reference to an immutable object
   43 | 
   44 | pub fn (s &Scope) find(name string) ?ScopeObject {
   45 |     for sc := s; true; sc = sc.parent {
      |               ^
   46 |         if name in sc.objects {
   47 |             return unsafe { sc.objects[name] }
vlib/v/ast/scope.v:58:12: error: `s` is immutable, cannot have a mutable reference to an immutable object
   56 | // selector_expr:  name.field_name
   57 | pub fn (s &Scope) find_struct_field(name string, struct_type Type, field_name string) ?ScopeStructField {
   58 |     for sc := s; true; sc = sc.parent {
      |               ^
   59 |         if field := sc.struct_fields[name] {
   60 |             if field.struct_type == struct_type && field.name == field_name {
vlib/v/checker/checker.v:177:18: error: `ast_file_` is immutable, cannot have a mutable reference to an immutable object
  175 | 
  176 | pub fn (mut c Checker) check(ast_file_ &ast.File) {
  177 |     mut ast_file := ast_file_
      |                     ~~~~~~~~~
  178 |     c.reset_checker_state_at_start_of_new_file()
  179 |     c.change_current_file(ast_file)
vlib/v/checker/fn.v:875:26: error: `param_typ_sym` is immutable, cannot have a mutable reference to an immutable object
  873 |             }
  874 |         }
  875 |         mut final_param_sym := param_typ_sym
      |                                ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  876 |         mut final_param_typ := param.typ
  877 |         if func.is_variadic && param_typ_sym.info is ast.Array {
vlib/v/checker/fn.v:1347:25: error: `exp_arg_sym` is immutable, cannot have a mutable reference to an immutable object
 1345 |                     arg.pos)
 1346 |             }
 1347 |             mut final_arg_sym := exp_arg_sym
      |                                  ~~~~~~~~~~~
 1348 |             mut final_arg_typ := exp_arg_typ
 1349 |             if method.is_variadic && exp_arg_sym.info is ast.Array {
vlib/v/parser/containers.v:92:23: error: `var` is immutable, cannot have a mutable reference to an immutable object
   90 |                     default_expr = p.expr(0)
   91 |                     has_it = if var := p.scope.find_var('it') {
   92 |                         mut variable := var
      |                                         ~~~
   93 |                         is_used := variable.is_used
   94 |                         variable.is_used = true
vlib/v/parser/containers.v:151:23: error: `var` is immutable, cannot have a mutable reference to an immutable object
  149 |                     default_expr = p.expr(0)
  150 |                     has_it = if var := p.scope.find_var('it') {
  151 |                         mut variable := var
      |                                         ~~~
  152 |                         is_used := variable.is_used
  153 |                         variable.is_used = true
vlib/v/callgraph/callgraph.v:36:27: error: type `v.dotgraph.DotGraph` is private
   34 |     dot_caller_name string
   35 |     is_caller_used  bool
   36 |     dg              dotgraph.DotGraph
      |                              ~~~~~~~~
   37 | }
   38 |
vlib/v/builder/builder.v:268:36: error: type `v.depgraph.DepGraph` is private
  266 | 
  267 | // graph of all imported modules
  268 | pub fn (b &Builder) import_graph() &depgraph.DepGraph {
      |                                    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  269 |     builtins := util.builtin_module_parts.clone()
  270 |     mut graph := depgraph.new_dep_graph()
make: *** [all] Error 1

Fixed, Please get the latest vlang.