vlang / ui

A cross-platform UI library written in V

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Window resizing will not resize content of CanvasLayout

lazalong opened this issue · comments


V version: 0.4.2 ab4clf4
UI version: latest
OS: Win 10

What did you do?

When resizing a CanvasLayout using a SplitPanel will resize (as I expect) the content; however, this behaviour will not happen when you resize the Window.

What did you expect to see?

I am expecting a consistent behaviour between resizing using a splitpanel or resizing the whole window.

IMO the window resizing should call the method splitpanel_btn_mouse_move(b &ui.Button, e &ui.MouseMoveEvent)
in splitpanel.v.

It should be possible to add a parameter to make the content resizing optional.

What did you see instead?

Only the SplitPanel resizing will resize the content as I hoped.


GIF 16-11-2023 00-12-01