vlang / ui

A cross-platform UI library written in V

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

`gg.Context.draw_rect` has been deprecated; use draw_rect_filled() instead

vladimirmyshkovski opened this issue · comments

V version: 0.2.4 22fce6a
UI version: 0.0.4
OS: elementary OS 6.1 Jólnir

What did you do?

Run source code from https://github.com/vlang/ui/blob/master/examples/counter.v

What did you expect to see?

Blank screen.

What did you see instead?

/home/narnik/.vmodules/ui/ui_extra_textview.v:287:15: warning: method `gg.Context.draw_rect` has been deprecated; use draw_rect_filled() instead
  285 |         ustr = tv.line(end_j)
  286 |         sel_from, sel_width = tv.text_xminmax_from_pos(ustr, 0, end_i)
  287 |         tv.tb.ui.gg.draw_rect(tv.tb.x + textbox_padding_x + sel_from, tv.tb.y + textbox_padding_y +
      |                     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  288 |             end_j * tv.line_height, sel_width, tv.line_height, selection_color)
  289 |     }


I can try to fix it and make the PR.