vladocar / Basic.css

Basic.css - Classless CSS Starter File

Home Page:https://vladocar.github.io/Basic.css/

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Button Input Types are not treated as buttons

jon49 opened this issue · comments

Buttons like <input type=submit value="Click Me"> and <value type=reset value=Cancel> are not treated the same as a button <button>Click Me</button>.

It would be nice to add them to the button tag style:

button, input[type=submit], input[type=reset] {...

Perhaps even color the reset button differently. But I don't know what the standard color-blind colors are for that. So, I don't have any real suggestion for what color it aught to be.

Thanks for the suggestion. It is fixed. https://vladocar.github.io/Basic.css/

About the reset button color is little tricky. I'm not sure what is the right color or if should be defined in the basic.css or in your additional styles.