vkutas / hometasks_andersen

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

1st bash task --- netstat_script.sh

listip=$(netstat -tunapl | awk -v name=$1 '$0~name {print $5}' | cut -d: -f1 | sort | uniq -c | sort | tail -n5 | grep -oP '(\d+\.){3}\d+')
  • Variable listip contains uniq IP adresses
  • Netstat command shows extended output about our connections
  • awk reads output from netstat and prints only IP adresses. This construction -v name=$1 '$0~name allows to use positional arguments
  • Next commands cut out ports and leave only uniq IP adresses
#This function shows organisations and adresses 
function address {
for ip in $listip ; do whois $ip | awk -F':' '/^Organization/{print $2}/^Address/{print $2; print "";}' ; done
#This function shows count of connections of each organizatio
function count {
for ip in $listip ; do whois $ip | awk -F':' '/^Organization/{print $2}' >> output ;done
cat output | sort | uniq -c | awk -F'    ' '{print $3, "has", $2, "connections" }' 
rm output

3rd bash task --- github_script.sh

The script can take GitHub repository URL as argument, e.g:
./github_script.sh https://github.com/curl/curl

If it called without any arguments, then https://github.com/orkestral/venom is used by default.

#Download JSON file with pull requests info 
curl   -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json"   https://api.github.com/repos/orkestral/venom/pulls > ./test.json

jq command allows to get requiring part of json file.

Сonstruction [ -z "$(jq '.[].number' test.json)" ] returns true if string length from .[].number == 0. If true runs printf command , else runs remaining part.

jq '.[].user.login' test.json | sort | uniq -c | awk '{if ($1 > 1) print $2}' shows users that have more than 1 pull request.

Next if conidition if [ -z "$(jq '.[].labels[].name' test.json)" ]; then checks if there are PRs with labels also using -z key

# `sed 's/\"//g'` cuts out the quotes
jq '.[] | .user.login + " " + .labels[].name' test.json | sed 's/\"//g' | sort | uniq -c | awk '{print "User", $2 , "has", $1, "PR with label"  }'

This command gets logins and labels names in 2 column and print number of labels for each user

jq '.[] | (.number|tostring) + " " +  .user.login' test.json | sed 's/\"//g' | sort | awk '{print "User" , $2, "with PR number" , $1}'

This command shows sorted PR numbers with users logins

Ansible task

Structure of ansible role

│   play.yml
│   hosts.yml    
          │      main.yml   
          │      flaskapp.py
          │      main.yml
          │      main.yml

To start ansible role need to launch playbook play.yml with command ansible-playbook play.yml -i hosts.yml.



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