vkalinichev / postcss-rtl

PostCSS plugin for RTL-adaptivity

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Incorrectly generated css

johno opened this issue · comments

Firstly, thanks for your work on this plugin!

I seem to be encountering a bit of an issue when trying to use it with a ruleset that includes float and _display properties:

.fl { float: left;  _display: inline; }
.fr { float: right; _display: inline; }
.fn { float: none; }
    .fl { _display: inline; }
    [dir=ltr] .fl { _float: left; }
    [dir=rtl] .fl { _float: right; }
    .fr { _display: inline; }
    [dir=ltr] .fr { _float: right; }
    [dir=rtl] .fr { _float: left; }
    [dir] .fn { float: none; }

Not sure what's going on yet, but I will try and at least open up a pr with a failing test case shortly.

In my opinion, this output:

.test { _display: inline; }
[dir=ltr] .test { _float: left; }
[dir=rtl] .test { _float: right; }

is better than this output:

[dir=ltr] .test { float: left; _display: inline }
[dir=rtl] .test { float: right; _display: inline }

Because it has the same effect yet:

  • Avoids duplication
  • Avoids increase of selector specificity score

The _display property is not direction-specific so there is no need to put it in a [dir=...] declaration.

Just saying.

I'm not sure about the normal behavior for this module - I haven't delved too deep into it.

Breaking out the display: inline; definitely makes sense. My issue is with the float property ending up with the underscore prefix: _float: left. I'm guessing it has something to do with the parsing, causing the float to take on the display property's prefix browser hack.

OK, sorry, I missed that. I was reading PostCSS documentation yesterday, and came across a mention that non-standard prefixes (such as *, _, etc.) are stored in declaration.raws.before (or such), which you would normally expect to contain only whitespace.
So maybe this gets duplicated for some reason and inadvertently applied to the wrong declarations.

I add passing test for this case. Looks like PostCSS fix it in latest releases.
Sorry for late answer and thanks for report and PR!

No worries, thank you!