vjekob / al-objid

Manage object IDs in multi-user environments with mind-boggling simplicity.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Suggested Field ID in tableextension starts from 1

kaspermoerch opened this issue · comments

When I create a tableextension the suggested field id is 1:


Field ids in tableextensions should be suggested from the id range(s) provided in app.json.

I have the same problem for enum extensions. They start by 1.
I think all the magic happens in this file: https://github.com/vjekob/al-objid/blob/master/azure-function-app/src/functions/v2/getNext/index.ts

Any news here?

I've seen this, yeah, and I have to check it. I'll be working a bit on Ninja in the following days, so expect the fix to arrive at some point next week.

This problem is solved. It was a back-end issue so no update to Ninja front-end (VS Code extension) is needed.
