vjeantet / hugo-theme-docdock

Declination of @matcornic Learn theme to Hugo

Home Page:https://docdock.netlify.com/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Title Line-Spacing Insufficient

opened this issue · comments

This issue also able see on DocDock demo page (see) and that even worse when view page on mobile device.


Seeing the same problem. I created a static/css/custom.css file and then added some CSS. There were two main changes:

  1. The HTML Header fonts are quite large
h1 {font-size:2.25rem; }
h2 {font-size:1.875rem;}
h3 {font-size:1.5rem;}
h4 {font-size:1.25rem; }
h5 {font-size:1.125rem; }
h6 {font-size:1rem;}
  1. The HTML Headers do not have a line-height CSS attribute set.
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
    line-height: 1.45em;

There are probably more suitable font-sizes but that worked for our site