vjeantet / hugo-theme-docdock

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Site doesn't generate with ordering by title

bobsaintcool opened this issue · comments


Experimenting docdock Hugo's theme with the following settings where I encounter some error while generating the website.

baseURL: https://boom
title: wiki

baseURL: /

languageCode: en-us
DefaultContentLanguage: en
defaultContentLanguageInSubdir: false
enableMissingTranslationPlaceholders: false

theme: docdock

smartDashes: false

pygmentsCodeFences: true
pygmentsStyle: monokailight

  showVisitedLinks: true
  themeStyle: flex
  ordersectionsby: title
  disableHomeIcon: false
  disableSearch: true
  disableNavChevron: true
  highlightClientSide: false
  menushortcutsnewtab: false
  enableGitInfo: false

    - HTML

With that, running/generating the website lead to a lot of errors like the following:

ERROR 2018/05/27 10:59:04 Error while rendering "section" in "": template: wiki/themes/docdock/layouts/_default/list.html:13:9: executing "wiki/themes/docdock/layouts/_default/list.html" at <partial (printf "%s/...>: e
rror calling partial: template: theme/partials/flex/body-beforecontent.html:43:12: executing "theme/partials/flex/body-beforecontent.html" at <partial "flex/select...>: error calling partial: template: wiki/themes/docdock/layouts/partials/flex/se
lectnavigation.html:54:10: executing "menu-nav" at <after 1 (seq $level)>: error calling after: no items left

Not knowing lot on both Hugo and Go, I've dig a bit and the problematical configuration seems to be the following ordersectionsby: title where the buggy line:

{{- range after 1 (seq $level)}}-{{ end }} {{.Title}}</option>

By trying to protect the slice split like the following, the site generate as I expect:

<       <option value="{{ .RelPermalink}}" {{if eq .URL $currentNode.URL}} selected{{end}}> 
< {{- range after 1 (seq $level)}}-{{ end }} {{.Title}}</option>
>       <option value="{{ .RelPermalink}}" {{if eq .URL $currentNode.URL}} selected{{end}}>
> {{if gt $level 1 }}
> {{- range after 1 (seq $level)}}-{{ end }}
> {{end}} {{.Title}}</option>

But I'm not sure I'm solving the problem the right way.

Any insights?


Hi @bobsaintcool,

Is this still actual?

@Pilskalns I cannot reproduce the bug anymore, don't known what happen but seems good to me now?

I don't know the context for the error above, but it might be that just a Hugo restart solved it.

Thanks for the swift response, closing.