vitorgalvao / fog

Unofficial podcast app

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Feature requests: spacebar pause, applescript integration

danielgolden opened this issue · comments

First, this app is awesome. Thanks for doing this and making publicly available. I was using epichrome a very dumbed down overcast mac app, but this is superior. I have 2 ideas for what I think would be awesome updates.

  1. When the app is foremost/active, being able to press space bar to pause/play.
  2. Allowing applescript to hook into this app so that it could control basic playback (play/pause) via applescript. Allowing for something like:
tell application "System Events"
    set MyList to (name of every process)
end tell
if (MyList contains "Fog") is true then
    tell application "Fog" to playpause
end if

Kudos on shipping this in the first place, it's absolutely awesome.

Thank you for the kind words, Daniel.

As for number 1, just released a version that does this. In regards to number 2, though, this app is made with electron, and as far as I know there isn’t a way to have a custom AppleScript dictionary for an app built with it, so I can’t add it.