visoftsolutions / ha-kubernetes-cluster-provision

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Implement Kube Prometheus Stack for Enhanced Kubernetes Monitoring

Okm165 opened this issue · comments


To enhance our Kubernetes cluster's observability and responsiveness, we aim to implement the Kube Prometheus Stack. This addition will offer a robust solution to monitor Kubernetes logs and provide insightful visualization of key metrics, leading to improved incident detection and overall system performance.

Features to Implement:

Prometheus Operator:

  • Provision the Prometheus Operator, streamlining the deployment and configuration of Prometheus, Alertmanager, and other monitoring components.
  • Set up the operator with the necessary RBAC permissions for seamless operations.

Service Monitors:

  • Deploy ServiceMonitors to enable automatic service discovery and monitoring within the cluster.
  • Configure ServiceMonitors to effectively scrape relevant metrics from our applications and services.

Grafana Integration:

  • Integrate Grafana to visualize the metrics being collected by Prometheus.
  • Create or import dashboards specifically designed for Kubernetes monitoring.

Alertmanager Configuration:

  • Set up and configure Alertmanager to manage and route alerts generated by Prometheus.
  • Ensure Alertmanager is integrated with external channels such as Slack, PagerDuty, or email for real-time alert notifications.

Acceptance Criteria

  • Prometheus is actively and correctly scraping metrics from all targeted services in the Kubernetes cluster.
  • Grafana showcases updated dashboards that reflect real-time metrics.
  • Alertmanager effectively triggers and sends alerts to the designated channels when predefined thresholds are crossed.

Additional Notes

  • It's imperative to secure monitoring endpoints, with Grafana being a priority, using proper authentication measures.
  • Configuration files and dashboards should be backed up regularly to guarantee data safety and quick recoverability.
  • The monitoring setup should be periodically reviewed and updated to stay aligned with the Kubernetes environment's changes and advancements.