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FileNotFoundError in Working_with_kitti_dataset tutorial

RonaldEnsing opened this issue · comments

I am writing this issue as a JOSS reviewer. See more info here: openjournals/joss-reviews#3471.

The 'Working_with_kitti_dataset' gives the following error:
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/pointcloudset/tutorial_notebooks/kitti_2011_09_26_drive_0002_synced.bag'

I am using the pointcloudset docker container. Since the python code downloads the data, I'd expect this to work 'out-of-the-box', without the need to configure the paths manually. The bag file seems to be missing entirely.

Hi. Thanks for reviewing our package!

Yes we didn't want to include the bag file in the repo as it is too large and to avoid any license issues. Also KITTI does not provide bag files directly. In order to get the data you need to run cell 3 in Working_with_kitti_dataset.ipynb

With uncommented docker run ... line like this:

!docker run -v `pwd`:/data -it yoyo860224/kitti2bag -t 2011_09_26 -r 0002 raw_synced

This will download the data and convert it to a bagfile with the help of yoyo860224/kitti2bag.
The other notebooks should work out of the box, as they are also included in the automatic tests.


Ah, I see. What is the reason for commenting the kitti2bag docker command?

I am running the notebook in a docker container. So the docker run ... would become a nested docker command.

Would it be an idea to make kitti2bag available in the pointcloudset docker image so that the tutorials can be run directly from the pointcloudset containers?

Yes thats the reason it is commented, to avoid issues with nested docker commands. So you could run the whole command of cell 3 outside of docker to get the bag file.

kitti2bag is quite hard to install and we want to avoid the additional complexity. We included the notebook just to show that pointcloudset also works with KITTI if needed.

OK, clear. Maybe it would be a good idea to clarify this in the notebook?

Hi, yes I will update the notebook.