viromedia / virocore

ViroCore cross-platform AR/VR renderer

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How to replace the code which using UIWebView

Jackyaung opened this issue · comments



Please provide the following information about your environment:

  1. OS: Mac
  2. Version: react-viro v2.17
  3. Device(s): ios


Hi lately when I submit the app to apple store, I got a warning that my app is using the UIWebView, and apple says they will stop accepting the app with using UIWebView from this April. I checked my package one by one, and found it is this package using it.
I am using the react-viro version 2.17, and my react native version is 60.5, I didn't use framework, in my podfile i use the viro static lib as below:


anyone knows how to solve the this problem ?

@Jackyaung @dthian any update on this? please provide instructions to solve this issue

same issue, please help me