viromedia / virocore

ViroCore cross-platform AR/VR renderer

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iOS - Update Google dependencies?

cristianoccazinsp opened this issue · comments


Please provide the following information about your environment:

  1. OS: Mac
  2. Version: ViroCore version - The one used by react-viro 2.17
  3. Device(s): iPhone


Hello, opening this issue as a follow up from viromedia/viro#718

Apple is rejecting apps that use UIWebView, and right now it seems like react-viro, which uses viro core, is referencing UIWebView somewhere.
Someone hinted that the references come from google's SDK, can those be updated? Can we get some help to remove any UIWebView reference?


Reproducible Demo

@dthian If it's not possible to update the google SDK, is it possible to 'deprecate' the ViroViewGVR and other files related to GVR, thus dropping the support for stereo VR headsets, but still keeping the AR intact?

From what I understand we should replace the GVRSDK library with the new open source Cardboard library, which no longer contains references to UIWebView. They also appear to have some new features/fixes on the roadmap for that new library

Bumping this; this is critical to any app that plans to use this in production. Submissions to the AppStore will soon all be rejected because of the reference to UIWebView. @dthian is there a plan to update the library?

@nickarora ViroMedia has no active roadmap or plans at the moment. However, as ViroCore is now open sourced (the build instructions are laid out within the ReadMe), please feel free to make the necessary changes if need be.

If i've time, I might take a peak into this issue this weekend.

any news on this issue? would it be possible to remove GVR without loosing AR supprt?


@nickarora exactly, we're currently in phase of submiting the app, and the timing couldn't be worse, and also our hands are tied to make any changes.. any ideas how could we replace GVRSDK?


I am facing the same problem, any solution ?

I was able to get through the UIWebView issue in my RN 0.62.2 project last night - details here viromedia/viro#852 (comment)