violetpod / 28-to-do-app

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

401 JS -- Lab 28 Todo

Submission Instructions

  • Work in a fork of this repository
  • Work in a branch on your fork
  • Submit a pull request to this repository
  • Submit a link to your pull request on canvas
  • Submit a question, observation, and how long you spent on canvas

Feature Tasks

Create the following components and structure them according to the following diagram.



  • The app component should manage the frontend routes and have a navbar
  • the / route should display the Landing component
  • the /dashboard route should display the Dashboard component


  • The landing component should display a brief description of the to do app

Dashboard Component

  • The dashboard component should manage the entire application state.
  • The state should contain a notes array
  • It should have a bound addNote(note) method that adds a note to state.notes
    • each note that is added should have the following data
      • id: always should contain the result of uuid.v1()
      • content: user provided content
      • title: user provided title
  • It should have a bound removeNote(note) method that removes a note from state.notes based on its id

NoteForm Component

  • onComplete the NoteForm should add a note to the application state

NoteList Component

  • should display an unordered list of NoteItem components


  • should display the notes content and title
  • should display a delete button
    • onClick the note should be removed from the application state


  • Test Dashboard
    • Test the initial state
  • Test NoteForm
    • Test the initial state


Write a description of the project in your
