vinks / nest-feign

Feign is a nest http decorators library that makes writing nodejs http clients easier.

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A component of nestcloud. NestCloud is a nest framework micro-service solution.


This is a Nest module for writing nestjs http clients easier.


$ npm i --save nest-feign nest-consul-loadbalance nest-consul consul

Quick Start

Import Module

import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { FeignModule, CONSUL_LOADBALANCE } from 'nest-feign';

  imports: [FeignModule.register({
    adapter: '', // If use nest-consul-loadbalance module, please set CONSUL_LOADBALANCE
    axiosConfig: {},
export class ApplicationModule {}



import { Injectable } from "@nestjs/common";
import { Loadbalanced, Get, Query, Post, Body, Param, Put, Delete } from "nest-feign";
@Loadbalanced('user-service') // open lb support
export class UserClient {
    getUsers(@Query('role') role: string) {
    @Loadbalanced(false) // close lb support
    getRemoteUsers() {
    createUser(@Body('user') user: any) {
    updateUser(@Param('userId') userId: string, @Body('user') user: any) {
    deleteUser(@Param('userId') userId: string) {


export class UserService {
    constructor(private readonly userClient: UserClient) {}
    doCreateUser() {
        this.userClient.createUser({name: 'test'});


Get|Post|Put|Delete|Options|Head|Patch|Trace(uri: string, options?: AxiosRequestConfig): MethodDecorator

Route decorator.

field type description
uri string the url
options object axios config,see axios

Param|Body|Query|Header(field?: string): ParameterDecorator

Parameter decorator.

field type description
field string the field name

SetHeader|SetQuery|SetParam|SetBody(field: string, value: any): MethodDecorator

constant parameter decorator

field type description
field string the field name
value string | number | object the field value

Response(): MethodDecorator

If set this decorator, it will return full http response.

ResponseHeader(): MethodDecorator

If set this decorator, it will return response.headers.

ResponseBody(): MethodDecorator

It's a default decorator, it will return

ResponseType(type: string): MethodDecorator

set response data type, eg: 'arraybuffer', 'blob', 'document', 'json', 'text', 'stream', default 'json'

ResponseEncode(type: string): MethodDecorator

Set response data encode, default 'utf8'

Loadbalanced(service: string | boolean): ClassDecorator | MethodDecorator

Open or close lb support.

Middleware<T extends IMiddleware>(middleware: { new(): T })

add middleware,such as:


import { IMiddleware } from "nest-feign";
import { AxiosResponse, AxiosRequestConfig } from 'axios';

export class AddHeaderMiddleware implements IMiddleware {
    send(request: AxiosRequestConfig): (response: AxiosResponse) => void {
        request.headers['x-service'] = 'service-name';
        return function (response: AxiosResponse) {


import { Injectable } from "@nestjs/common";
import { Get, Middleware } from "nest-feign";
import { AddHeaderMiddleware } from "./middlewares/AddHeaderMiddleware";

export class ArticleClient {
    getArticles() {

middleware processing:

export class Client {

    getArticles() {


middleware4 request
middleware3 request
middleware2 request
middleware1 request
middleware1 response
middleware2 response
middleware3 response
middleware4 response

Stay in touch


Nest is MIT licensed.


Feign is a nest http decorators library that makes writing nodejs http clients easier.


Language:TypeScript 97.1%Language:JavaScript 2.9%