vinissimus / async-asgi-testclient

A framework-agnostic library for testing ASGI web applications

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Support for aridane

iot-resister opened this issue · comments

First off, great library! Thanks for putting it out here. However, I'm a having bit of trouble getting ariadne support.

The following:

from async_asgi_testclient import TestClient
import pytest
from src.core.reside import move_to_planet, MoveToPlanetInput

async def test_graphql_out_planet_hello() -> None:
    from src.ui.graphql.main import app

    async with TestClient(app) as client:
        query = '{residence(residentName: "Joe"){welcomeMsg}}'
        result = await
            "/graphql", json={"query": query}
        assert result["data"]["residence"]["welcomeMsg"] == "Welcome to Tatooine!


self = <ariadne.asgi.GraphQL object at 0x7ffb8c0bdf40>, scope = {'asgi': {'version': '3.0'}, 'type': 'lifespan'}
receive = <bound method Queue.get of <Queue at 0x7ffb8c2b4c10 maxsize=0 _queue=[{'type': 'lifespan.startup'}] tasks=1>>
send = <bound method Queue.put of <Queue at 0x7ffb8c2b46d0 maxsize=0 tasks=1>>

Here is my for reference


from typing import Optional
from ariadne import (
from ariadne.asgi import GraphQL
from apischema.graphql import graphql_schema
from graphql import print_schema

from src.core.reside import MoveToPlanet, move_to_planet, MoveToPlanetInput, residence

mutation = MutationType()

type_defs = print_schema(graphql_schema(query=[residence], mutation=[move_to_planet]))

def resolve_move_to_planet(
    *_: None, planetId: str, residentName: str
) -> Optional[MoveToPlanet]:
    return move_to_planet(
        MoveToPlanetInput(planet_id=planetId, resident_name=residentName)

query = QueryType()

def resolve_residence(*_: None, residentName: str) -> MoveToPlanet:
    return residence(residentName)

schema = make_executable_schema(
    type_defs, [query, mutation], snake_case_fallback_resolvers

app = GraphQL(schema)