vincjo / svelte-simple-datatables

A Datatable component for Svelte

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Width Issue

Audhut opened this issue · comments

I have an issue with the width of the datable. The action row is usualy hidden and the horizontal scroll is also not avialble.

when i load the grid by pressing F5 all works fine


when i navigate to the page through links. NOTE there are no horizontal scroll and the action column is hidden/missing

const settings = {
    sortable: true,
    pagination: true,
    rowPerPage: 20,
    noRows: "No data found",
    columnFilter: true,

let data= [];

onMount(async () => {
    data= await  dataService.getAll();

<Datatable {settings} data={data}>

Column 1
Column 1
Column 1
Column 1
Column 1
Column 1
Column 1
Column 1
Column 1

{#each $rows as row}


on:click={() => {
class="rounded-lg px-4 py-2 bg-blue-500 text-blue-100"
>View Details


<style> th:first-child { width: 56px; } td { text-align: center; padding: 4px 8px; white-space: nowrap; } </style>