vincentfpgarcia / kNN-CUDA

Fast k nearest neighbor search using GPU

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

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This code is helpful for beginners learning cuda, why we can't increase the limit...

@vincentfpgarcia Sire can you please describe me this term "#define MAX_PART_OF_FREE_MEMORY_USED 0.9" why used. what value i can update according to newer specification of texture width, height[65536,65536] not older one.

#define MAX_PITCH_VALUE_IN_BYTES = 262144 =>can replaced by Max 2D Linear Texture Pitch: 1048544 bytes/ Max Memory Pitch: 2147483647 bytes ????which one used how you decide to use 262144 this value

#define MAX_TEXTURE_WIDTH_IN_BYTES 65536 => same width
#define MAX_TEXTURE_HEIGHT_IN_BYTES 32768 => Max 2D Texture Size: 65536 x 65536
#define MAX_PART_OF_FREE_MEMORY_USED 0.9 ? how you decide it
#define BLOCK_DIM 16

I get the following errors:
MEMORY ALLOCATION ERROR: unspecified launch time failure
Whished allocated memory type Error