vincentcox / StaCoAn

StaCoAn is a crossplatform tool which aids developers, bugbounty hunters and ethical hackers performing static code analysis on mobile applications.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Gibberish content in the generated report.

DeepSpaceHarbor opened this issue · comments

See the attached images. The app didn't show any errors.
The generated report contains gibberish data. Tried to rebuild the report 3 times, ended with the same result.

.apk file:
The file was downloaded via APKPure.
os: Linux mint

Proof of error:


Additional info:
The app uses Cyrillic characters for resources(ex:в,ж).
Could this be the cause of the problem?

Thanks for reporting! Currently there are some issues with Unicode in the program (as also pointed out in #2). Will do some testing to find a solution.

Can you provide me one source file where the program crashes on? If this is not possible due NDA or other reasons it is ok. It just helps me with debugging.

I don't have the source code for this program.
Only thing I have is the final apk file which was shared in the original post.

I managed to get a fix pushed.

I tested your apk and it seems fine now:
video 10-02-2018 22-38-11

Which generated the report:

You can head over to the release page and grab the latest version.