vincentcox / StaCoAn

StaCoAn is a crossplatform tool which aids developers, bugbounty hunters and ethical hackers performing static code analysis on mobile applications.

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local variable issue

jaikishantulswani opened this issue Β· comments

Hello @vincentcox ,
I am facing this error after supplying the apk
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'sorted_tosort' referenced before assignment
[WARNING] - - [10/Oct/2018 19:35:59] code 404, message File not found

Are you using a build from the release? Or do you use the python command line?

If it's possible, I can check with your APK to debug this issue.

Hi @vincentcox ,
Thanks for prompt reply. I am using from the command line.

What happens if you use:
python3 -p test-apk.apk --disable-server --disable-browser

You can also try to put your APK in the same folder as stacoan (in the src folder). then run:
python3 -p your-apk.apk --disable-server --disable-browser

Getting the same even with the test-apk.apk
`python3 -p test-apk.apk --disable-server --disable-browser
[INFO] Decompiling app...
[INFO] /mnt/Security/Tools/Android/StaCoAn/src/test-apk_apk/jadx_source_code
[INFO] "/mnt/Security/Tools/Android/StaCoAn/src/jadx/bin/jadx" -d "/mnt/Security/Tools/Android/StaCoAn/src/test-apk_apk/jadx_source_code" "test-apk.apk"
Invalid maximum heap size: -Xmx4g
The specified size exceeds the maximum representable size.
Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.
[INFO] --------- JADX OUTPUT BELOW ---------

[INFO] jadx return code: 1
[INFO] Decompiling done.
[INFO] Searching trough files
[INFO] Searching done.
[INFO] start generating report
[INFO] progress: 100%
[ERROR] ERROR: Unknown error: local variable 'sorted_tosort' referenced before assignment.

I know what happened. JADX could not allocate 4Gigs of memory so it didn't run. The program tries to continue anyhow and there are 0 results, which causes a for loop to not run somewhere.

Please double check that you are using 64-bit java version. JADX sets max memory heap to 4GB by default. This only possible on 64-bit java.

Is this issue with system architecture, as I am having 32bit system.

Indeed, it's caused by the 32 bit architecture. However, you can try to run:
set DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS="-Xms128M" "-Xmx2g"

But I am not sure if it will work because StaCoAn spawns an own subshell.

Let me know if it works. I will try to make a fix for this if it's not working.

Still getting the same :(

I'll create a fix this weekend. Thanks for reporting this issue, I will let you know when the fix is available.

Note for myself:

Hello @vincentcox ,
Thank you for your quick & positive response on this issue.
Waiting for the fix πŸ”’

Can you try the DEV branch?

git clone -b dev
cd StaCoAn
cd src
python3 -p test-apk.apk --disable-server --disable-browser

Let me know what the output is, If it works for you then I know the fix is working and I push it to the master.

Hi @vincentcox ,
Sorry for the delay, still getting the same issue

python3 -p test-apk.apk --disable-server --disable-browser
[INFO] Decompiling app...
[INFO] /mnt/Security/Tools/Android/StaCoAn/src/test-apk_apk/jadx_source_code
[INFO] "/mnt/Security/Tools/Android/StaCoAn/src/jadx/bin/jadx" -d "/mnt/Security/Tools/Android/StaCoAn/src/test-apk_apk/jadx_source_code" "test-apk.apk"
[INFO] 32 bit detected, setting max memory for java to 2G instead of 4G. This might cause problems for JADX.
Invalid maximum heap size: -Xmx4g
The specified size exceeds the maximum representable size.
Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.
[INFO] --------- JADX OUTPUT BELOW ---------

[INFO] jadx return code: 1
[INFO] Decompiling done.
[INFO] Searching trough files
[INFO] Searching done.
[INFO] start generating report
[INFO] progress: 100%
[ERROR] ERROR: Unknown error: local variable 'sorted_tosort' referenced before assignment.

Hello @vincentcox ,
Any updates on this ?

Can you try the dev branch again?

git clone -b dev
cd StaCoAn
cd src
python3 -p test-apk.apk --disable-server --disable-browser

Normally it should work now because I put the variable into the command. Let me know the output if it still doesn't work, we'll figure it out!

Hello @vincentcox ,
Don't know why its not working on my machine ??? Still getting the same issue check this
screenshot from 2018-10-19 17-30-40

I'll download a 32 bit kali machine to figure this out. It will take me some time but I will dive into this! πŸ’ͺ

I was able to reproduce it and found the cause why our limit was not correctly applied.

You have to open src/jadx/bin/jadxand uncomment the line DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS='"-Xms128M" "-Xmx4g"'.
Then it should work (at least for me it did).

Hi @vincentcox ,
Thank you, it Works πŸ‘ πŸ’―
This is the best support I ever got πŸ’―

No problem, thank you for your patience because it took me some time to figure it out.
Soon I will push a global fix for this, but meanwhile you can use this fix to get it working for you.
Have a nice weekend!

Thank you πŸ‘