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[BUG]: Input type="number" is rendering <Mark />

Jwrighty opened this issue · comments


Input does not rendering correctly when passing type number. Looks like it's missing from the type switch statement and defaulting to the Mark component

Steps to Reproduce

Render <Input type="number" /> and you will get a Mark component return instead of an input element with type number

Storybook Demonstration



What browsers are you seeing the problem on?

Firefox, Chrome

Relevant log output

No response


No response

Out of curiosity, what are you using a number input for? It's possible our original intent was to dissuade its use or forbid it entirely via types. I recommend reading:

A couple of examples would be inputs to control x and y co-ordinates and height & width (pixel) values in the interactive overlay editor. And more recently an input to assign a score value to a question

Hi @seanmcintyre, this is something we've had another request for (adding arrow keys support for input boxes). I wanted to raise here to see if this bug is something that is going to be addressed or if we should look into a different solve. Thanks in advance!