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Suppressing color output prevents Dispatch pane auto-closing

Geraint opened this issue · comments

#777 has introduced an issue for me.

Previously, when tests completed successfully, the pane auto-closed.

Now, it stays open.

If I change

function! test#strategy#dispatch(cmd) abort
  execute 'Dispatch NO_COLOR=1 '.a:cmd

... back to

function! test#strategy#dispatch(cmd) abort
  execute 'Dispatch '.a:cmd

... the problem goes away.

Thank you for letting me know. I shall look into either fixing or reverting this change

Great timing, I just ran into this and landed here.

Is it possible to pass the ENV-Var in another way?
Maybe this is something that belongs into vim-dispatch itself? yeah, you thought of this already, nevermind 😁

I've reverted this change and will look into other way to address #776